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             Venerable Thubten Chödrön (top right) and Venerable Ariyadhammika (bottom left) answered questions in the Q&A session. On the top left was Dr Yeoh Kar Kheng.

             'Secular Mindfulness vs Buddhist Mindfulness'

             Online Dharma Talk

             日期 Date    :12/12/2021                      Eastern  Horizon  organised  its  first  online  event  since  the
             时间 Time    :  8:45pm - 10:30pm              Movement Control Order  - ‘Secular Mindfulness vs Buddhist
             地点 Venue  :  线上 Online                      Mindfulness’ Dharma talk on 12 December 2021. The event
                                                         was  co-organised  by  the  Young  Buddhist  Association  of
             参与人数 Attendees  :  240人 240 people          Malaysia, Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia, Vajrayana
                                                         Buddhist Council of Malaysia, Buddhist Missionary Society
            《东方视野》于2021年12月12日举办了行动管                     Malaysia, and Malaysia Buddhist Kulapati Association.
            与佛教正念”讲座。此活动的联办单位是马来                         This  talk  featured  Venerable  Ariyadhammika  and
            西亚佛教青年总会、马来西亚南传佛教总会、                         Venerable  Thubten  Chödrön  speaking  on  the  topic  from
            马来西亚金刚乘佛教总会、马来西亚佛教弘法                         the  perspective  of  Pali  Canon  and  Tibetan  tradition,
                                                         respectively  and  was  moderated  by  Dr  Yeoh  Kar  Kheng.
                                                         During  the  sharing  and  Q&A  sessions,  the  speakers
            师,分别从巴利三藏和藏传佛教的角度谈论此                         explained  the  difference  between  secular  mindfulness
            课题,主持人是杨嘉庆博士。两位主讲人在分                         and  Buddhist  mindfulness  and  clarified  some  doubts
            享环节和问答环节中,除了讲解世俗正念和佛                         from  the  audience.  In  summary,  although  both  secular
            教正念的区别,也为观众厘清一些疑惑。总括                         mindfulness and Buddhist mindfulness can bring happiness
            而论,世俗正念虽然和佛教正念一样,都可以                         to the practitioners the motivation and purpose of these
            为修习者带来喜悦,但两者的动机和目的截然                         two  approaches  are  different.  Common  people  practise
            不同。普罗大众修习正念只是为了纾解压力或                         mindfulness for the purpose of stress relief, psychotherapy,
            进行心理治疗等,佛教徒修习正念则是为了脱                         or others, while Buddhists practise mindfulness in the hope
            生死。                                          of liberation from samsara.

            当天活动,主办单位也送出100份免费的《东                        On that day, the organiser also gave out 100 free ‘Eastern
            方视野》电子杂志。                                    Horizon’ e-Magazine.

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