Page 37 - Berita 151
P. 37

In order to unite the strength of Malaysian Buddhist
            youth  who  are  passionate  about  hosting  and
            to  enhance  their  hosting  talent  through  mutual
            observation and learning, YBAM organised a hosting
            competition ‘YBAM Got Talent:  the Legend of Rising
            Star’ at the end of the year 2021.

            The competition lasted for two months, starting with
            a public audition followed by selection of the top 20
            by heavyweight mentors. Only six contestants made
            it to the grand finale. The mentors of the competition
            were  Kyann  from  8FM,  as  well  as  Chrystina  and
            Brandon from 988 FM.

            The grand finale was broadcast live on 19 December
            2021 via YBAM official Facebook page. Speaking on
            the occasion, Vice President of YBAM and producer
            of ‘YBAM Got Talent’ Dr. Tan Chan Sin said that this
            was the first time YBAM organised such an event to
            attract more talented young people to participate in
            and to provide a platform for them to showcase their
            hosting abilities.

            YBAM President Yong Kuei Yoong said that YBAM is
            a Buddhist youth organisation that has been actively
            training  and  nurturing  quality  Buddhist  youth  for
            many  years.  He  encouraged  all  participants  to
            continue to inject more positive energy into society
            after the event.

            In  his  opening  address  to  the  event,  Lay  Patron
            of YBAM Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon shared with the
            audience the view of the Lay Advisor of YBAM Leong
            Kok Hing in his book ‘An Inward Journey’ on public   参赛者拍摄影片,收集人气票竞逐人气奖。
            speaking. He said that public speaking is an essential   Participants shot their films and collected popular votes to compete for the
                                                              Popularity Award.
            skill  to  master  for  Buddhist  youth,  not  only  to
            strengthen their courage to face the public but also   In the finale, all the finalists were given one-to-two
            to help promote the Buddhist movement. Therefore,   coaching  by  their  mentors.  The  participants  took
            this competition was very much in line with the need   turns to interview the three mentors, who provided
            of the modern era. In addition to mastering public   feedback and decided the top three winners. Finally,
            speaking skill, Buddhist youth should also continue   Tan Hui Hui won the champion while Liew Wan Jin
            to learn knowledge from various fields so that their   and Neng Yi Qian were the first runner-up and second
            speeches can be more profound and meaningful.     runner-up, respectively.

            The mentors of the competition were Kyann (from left), Chrystina and Brandon.

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