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             Buddhist hymns performance by S.M.Z.D.P.Y.
         “一心一意 齐心抗疫”音乐会

             ‘Together We Cure, Together We Live’ Online

             Music Concert

             日期 Date    :10/10/2021                      At  the  end  of  the  9th  National  Young  Buddhist  Elite
             时间 Time    :  8:00pm - 10:00pm              Leadership  Training  Camp  in  2021,  several  tasks  were
             地点 Venue  :  线上 Online                      assigned to the Elite candidates to complete together with
             参与人数 Attendees  :  300人 300 people          the organising committee.  The purpose of assigning the
                                                         tasks was to enable them to develop a better understanding
                                                         of the Dharma and to improve their awareness of the spirit
             2021年所举行的第九届幼苗领袖培训与选拔                       of the Elite (learning, motivation, care, and dedication). One
             营结束后,为了让准幼苗们对佛法有更好的                         of the tasks given was organising an online music concert
             领悟并体悟幼苗精神(学习、进取、关怀、                         with the theme ‘Together We Cure, Together We Live’.
             们以及全体筹委一同完成,其中一项就是“一                        In addition to propagating the Dharma through music, this
             心一意· 齐心抗疫”音乐会。
                                                         concert also hoped that the public could gain insights from
                                                         the music and learn how to live through the pandemic by
             众可透过佛曲所传递的佛法,帮助自己如法地                        practising  the  Dharma.  The  concert  invited  singers  from
             活在这疫情底下。此音乐会有幸邀请到了真善                        The Melody of True and Beauty and S.M.Z.D.P.Y (Friends in
             美的旋律、生命中的朋友(S.M.Z.D.P.Y)等团                  Life) to perform Buddhist hymns.
                                                         After a month of planning and preparation, the event was
             经过一个月的策划和筹办,此活动于10月10日                      broadcast live on the Facebook page  ‘Hi, Young Buddhist
             晚上8时在Hi佛青之友的面子书线上直播。当                       Fellowship  (YBF)’  at  8  pm  on  10  October.  Around  300
             晚,一共有300人左右出席此音乐会并踊跃交                       people attended the concert and interacted actively in the
             流,留言区相当热闹。过程中,表演嘉宾除了                        comments section. Apart from performing Buddhist hymns,
             分享佛曲以外,也会分享一些与自己生活或疫                        the performers also shared interesting stories about their
             情有关的趣事,让音乐会生动起来。                            life and the pandemic, making the concert lively.

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