Page 33 - EH67
P. 33


           Can you tell us what got you interested in Buddhism,   hygiene of the mind, compassion in action, always
           and why Tibetan Buddhism in particular?            remembering the impermanence and death. We know
                                                              that especially during challenging times, the power
           I was born in Bulgaria during the communist period   of our prayers and spiritual practices tremendously
           when spirituality was a taboo. After the fall of   increases. During the pandemic and this heart breaking
           Communism in 1989, many Bulgarians were inspired   time of war, our kindness, compassion and positive
           to learn and practice different spiritual traditions. As   actions naturally develop and this is not only Buddhism
           with many others, the turning point for me came when   in practice but expression of our human nature.
           I experienced the suffering of sickness and death of a
           loved one. Witnessing these difficult moments, I started   Is Buddhism a growing religion in Bulgaria like in
           searching answers to the questions about the nature   Western Europe, or is it considered more like an
           of suffering and death and how to help people in need.   Asian cult or a religion studied only at universities?
           I found some of the answers in the field of Buddhism
           and I was especially touched by the subjects of Karuṇā   Compared to Western Europe, we can’t say that
           (compassion) and Bodhicitta (awakening heart).     Buddhism in Bulgaria is a growing religion. It is a
                                                              small minority religion, which has a moderate rate of
           The gates to the profound wisdom of Buddhism       development. Buddhism is not considered as an Asian
           opened to me with the Tibetan Book of the Dead, or   cult in Bulgaria but as a spiritual practice related to
           the Bardo Thodol (Liberation through hearing during   training the mind and it is not limited only to academic
           the intermediate state). It had been translated from   discipline.
           Tibetan into Bulgarian by the eminent Buddhologist
           and Tibetologist Professor Alexander Fedotoff, who   The spread of Buddhism in Bulgaria began with the
           was director of the Center for Eastern Languages and   collapse of Communism in 1989, when some Bulgarians
           Cultures of Sofia University. After reading the book,   started practicing Theravāda, Mahāyāna, and Vajrayāna
           I attended the courses about Tibetan Buddhism of   Buddhism. There are several aspects regarding the
           Prof. Fedotoff, who later became supervisor of my   development process of Buddhist tradition in the
           dissertation about women in Indo-Tibetan Buddhism   southeastern European country: emergence of Buddhist
           and encouraged me to teach Eastern religions and   communities, Buddhist Studies in Bulgarian higher
           cultures at Sofia University.                      education institutions, translation of Buddhist literature
                                                              into Bulgarian language, significant publications
           I had the chance to get in touch with different Tibetan   dedicated to Buddhist thought, as well as lectures of
           teachers during my travels in Asia, North America, and   international Buddhist teachers and scholars, holding of
           Europe. In 2003, I met His Holiness Penor Rinpoche,   scientific forums, and conferences.
           the 12th throne-holder of the Palyul lineage, took
           refuge, and started Dharma practice according to Palyul   The path of the Buddha in Bulgaria had a symbolic start
           Nyingma tradition.                                 with the visit of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama in
                                                              1991. Accompanied by a delegation from the Tibetan
           As a Buddhist scholar, do you study Buddhism       Government in Exile, His Holiness met the former
           purely as an intellectual subject or do you apply   president of Bulgaria, Zhelyu Zhelev, and delivered a
           Buddhism in your daily life as well?               lecture at the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski.” In

                                                              the early 1990s various Buddhist communities started
           I do study and teach Buddhism as an intellectual subject   emerging in Bulgaria, some of which disappeared after
           but also try to apply it in my daily life. With application I   a few years, while others survived. At present, the most
           do not only mean chanting, praying, meditating, etc. but   popular form of Buddhism in the country is Tibetan
           also awareness of how to deal with negative emotions,   Buddhism and among its four schools, the Diamond
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