Page 38 - EH67
P. 38


           Based on your years of study      can make us more aware of how our   loving kindness. This sequence can
           and practice of Buddhism, what    minds work, particularly how our   be adapted according to context.
           aspects of the Buddha’s teachings   thoughts can proliferate based on   For instance, we can imagine loving
           do you find most applicable for   faulty assumptions.               kindness as a radiant light reaching
           people in today’s modern world?                                     into places of conflict, into refugee
                                             My second aspect flows from       camps, war zones, and other
           I have always been a socially     the first. Buddhism offers a path   difficult places of human suffering.
           engaged person, concerned about   towards psychological and emotional   Tibetan Buddhism developed this
           issues such as war, conflict, poverty,   liberation through ethical living and   concept into a practice called tong-
           and injustice. In the light of this,   meditation. I see meditation as a   len, through which one imagines
           there are two main aspects of     form of mental culture that helps   the pain of a particular person
           the Buddha’s teaching that I find   us to develop as human beings.   or situation being drawn out and
           applicable to the crises the world   One word used for it in the textual   destroyed by the light, compassion,
           faces. The first is Buddhism’s view   tradition is bhāvanā, which literally   and strength coming from one’s
           of the world. Buddhism teaches that   means “becoming” or “developing.”   own being. Advanced practitioners
           the world is ensnared in the poisons   As Buddhism spread from India,   even imagine the pain being drawn
           of greed, hatred, and delusion. This   many forms of Buddhist meditation   into themselves and then replaced
           means that the majority of people   emerged, but all of them help us to   by the light of loving kindness.
           do not see reality clearly but only   face and transform the poisons of   These practices, which encourage
           through their attachments and     greed, hatred, and delusion inside   empathy and understanding, even
           aversions. Individuals, communities,   us. They also help us to develop   towards one’s enemies, are greatly
           and nations cling to views that   loving kindness and compassion.   needed in our world.
           are conditioned and partial, not   One form of meditation suitable for
           realizing that their constructions of   both Buddhists and non-Buddhists   As Buddhism is 2600 years old,
           reality are flawed. When I look at   is the meditation on loving kindness    are there teachings that you
           the world, I see this being played out   - mettā meditation. The root text for   feel need to be reinterpreted
           in many contexts. I experienced it   loving kindness meditation in the   for a modern audience without
           when I lived in Sri Lanka in the late   Theravada tradition is found in the   compromising on the original
           1980s and early 1990s in the middle   Sutta Nipāta within the Khuddhaka   intention or meaning of the
           of an ethnic conflict that became   Nikāya. At its heart is this striking   Buddha?
           all-out war. At the heart of the   illustration: “Just as a mother would
           conflict were two nationalisms, one   protect her only child at the risk   I believe that all religions are
           that claimed the whole island for   of her own life, even so, cultivate a   dynamic entities. They change
           Buddhism and one that was equally   boundless heart towards all beings.”   over time and we should see this
           convinced that the minority Tamils,   (Mettā Sutta, Sutta Nipāta verse 148   process of change as natural and
           the majority of whom were Hindu,   – adapted from the translation by H.   inevitable. Late Indian Buddhism
           should have a separate state in the   Saddhātissa).                 was influenced by tantric practices
           north and east of the island. Each                                  in Saivism and these were taken
           was partial and uncompromising.   Traditionally one starts with oneself   over the Himalayas to Tibet. In
           The Buddha’s teaching offers us   in a meditation on loving kindness,   China, Buddhism was influenced
           tools to understand why and how   surrounding oneself with loving   by Daoism and Confucianism.
           we fail to see things as they are,   kindness and acceptance. Then   Buddhism in the West is now being
           often through our inability to    one moves outwards to teachers,   influenced by Western culture.
           develop compassion and empathy    friends, neighbors and eventually   Mindfulness practices, for instance,
           for the views of others. Meditation   those one does not like, one’s   have leapt out of Buddhism and
           plays a central role in this, since it   enemies, surrounding them with   are practiced in educational and
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