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P. 36
My Journey into Buddhism
By Dr Elizabeth J. Harris
Dr Elizabeth Harris holds an Honorary Senior
Research Fellowship at the University of
Birmingham, attached to the Edward Cadbury
Centre for the Public Understanding of Religion
within the School of Philosophy, Theology and
Religion. Previous to this, she was an Associate
Professor at Liverpool Hope University, specializing
in Buddhist Studies. She is a former President of the
European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies
and is the current President of the UK Association
for Buddhist Studies. She has published widely in
Buddhist Studies and Interreligious Studies.
Elizabeth shares with Benny Liow of floor, in the shrine room adjacent Studies, but also into a person
Eastern Horizon about her journey to the famous Bodhi tree, believed who drew deeply from Buddhist
into Buddhism and the motivations to have grown from a sapling of the wisdom. My publications have
behind her many publications, very tree under which the Buddha been motivated by these factors,
including her most recent had gained enlightenment. I gazed namely to promote appreciation of
“Buddhism in 5 Minutes”. at the image in the room, absorbing Buddhism and the wisdom it can
the tranquility, and suddenly the offer to the world and to encourage
Benny: You have been a prolific image seemed to be surrounded interreligious understanding.
writer of Buddhism. Could you with light. As I’ve explained before
share what was the motivation in my writings, I realized at that As someone raised as a Christian,
behind all these publications, point that I would have to learn what are the areas in Christianity
including your most recent more about Buddhism. In 1986, that you find resonate with that
Buddhism in Five Minutes I returned to Sri Lanka to study of Buddhism?
(Equinox, 2021)? Buddhism, on a World Council of
Churches scholarship. My intention I was born into a Methodist
Elizabeth: I first encountered was to stay one year but, in the family and my roots still lie within
Buddhism in 1984, in my early end, I stayed for over seven years Christianity. I usually tell people
thirties, when I took part in an and completed a doctorate in that I remain a Christian but draw
educational, interreligious visit Buddhist Studies there. I also drew deeply from Buddhism and practice
to Sri Lanka. When we were Buddhist forms of meditation into Buddhist forms of meditation. I also
in the ancient Buddhist city of my own spiritual practice and so know much more about Buddhism
Anuradhapura, I experienced what immersed myself in Buddhism that from an academic perspective than I
I can only describe as an encounter I eventually found that I was looking do about Christianity. My encounter
with the Buddha. I had separated at the world through Buddhist eyes. with Buddhism has also affected the
myself from the group and was Sri Lanka made me not only into an way I see Christianity. For instance, I
sitting with other devotees, on the academic, specializing in Buddhist no longer agree with or support any