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With devotees at Gal Vihara, Polonnaruva, Sri Lanka With devotees at Kaba Aye Tipitaka Library,
form of Christian exclusivism or any Much research has also been which does not have a single
assertion of Christian superiority. done recently on the parallels authoritative source for the
I believe the religions of the world between Christian contemplation teachings?
should learn from each other rather and Buddhist meditation. In the
than compete. twentieth century, some Buddhists My training in Buddhism took place
discovered Christian mystics such in Sri Lanka, a Theravāda Buddhist
I strongly believe that the religious as the German, Meister Eckhart country. The focus, therefore, was
paths advocated by Buddhism and (c. 1260- 1327/28) and the on the Pāli Canon and I developed
Christianity are very similar. Both Spanish, Teresa of Ávila (1515- a love for that collection of texts.
teach that we must eradicate greed, 1582), and realized that their When I left Sri Lanka in 1993 and
pride, and hatred. Both encourage writings had a Buddhist feel. began a postdoctoral fellowship at
us to let go of clinging to the self There can be no doubt that the Westminster College in Oxford, I
or the “I,” and both nurture in us a goals of Christian contemplation read Mahāyāna texts and eventually
mind that can extend love even to and Buddhist meditation are experienced lived Buddhism in
enemies. Christianity calls craving articulated differently. Yet, both Japan and Taiwan. I have always
for money and other material forms of practice speak of losing seen the diversity and richness
things, Mammon. Buddhism has a sense of “self” and moving within Buddhist sacred texts to be
parallels to this in the Pāli word, through levels of inner experience a strength rather than a problem.
taṇhā, and in the three poisons of that bear similarities to the other. I do not place one text or one
greed, hatred, and delusion. Both My own view is that Christian tradition of Buddhism above others.
religions see the violence and contemplation and Buddhist If I am to understand Buddhism
suffering in the world as due to meditation move within similar in the contemporary world and
these negative characteristics in the spiritual landscapes, in spite of its relevance to me as a religious
human mind. The spiritual path in the differences concerning what person, I need to engage with all
both involves eradicating them, and Christians call “God.” of Buddhism’s textual resources,
developing love (Buddhists may although my specialism will always
prefer the term ‘loving kindness’) Unlike Christianity which has be in the Pāli texts.
and compassion. one sacred scripture in the Bible,
how did you approach Buddhism