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health settings. This dynamism now on Buddhism, how would work with the contributors to each
leads to some reinterpretation. Yet, Buddhism in 5 Minutes makes a section and I would not want to
I would prefer to speak of finding difference to the readers? privilege any of the questions. I
new meanings and relevance in take satisfaction, though, in the
Buddhist teachings rather than I was asked to edit this book by inclusion of contemporary issues
reinterpretation. Although the the UK Association for Buddhist and Buddhist ethics. The section
current popularity of mindfulness Studies, of which I’m now the on ethics, for instance, examines
techniques risks losing some of the President. They, in turn, were asked Buddhism and pacifism, the role of
richness of the term “mindfulness” if they would take on the project, by compassion in Buddhism, and the
in Buddhist textual traditions, the Equinox Publishers, who had a ‘Five relationship between Buddhism
techniques are benefitting many Minutes’ series. The added value and politics. Within contemporary
people – and surely this benefit is of the ‘Five Minute’ series is that issues, Buddhist attitudes to
the most important thing. the contributors are specialists in those who identify as LGBTQI
their fields and yet are writing in an and Buddhist attitudes to race
As a scholar of Buddhism, I would accessible way for non-specialists. are covered. Emergent Buddhism
not want the richness of Buddhist So the intended audience is not a includes secular Buddhism and a
traditions to be in any way lost high-level academic one. The book Buddhist perspective on Artificial
through the encounter between is for people who have an interest Intelligence.
Buddhism and modernity. At the in Buddhism and want to learn
same time, I want to see new more through specialists who can I’m also happy that the book tackles
applications of Buddhist wisdom be trusted. It could also be useful in stereotypes and misconceptions
within society for the betterment undergraduate university courses that outsiders have about
of all. and within Buddhist communities, Buddhism. The question, “Who is
where there is a wish to learn the fat Buddha figure?” makes clear
Your book Buddhism in 5 Minutes outside of the box of one Buddhist that this image is not the historical
comprises 75 questions about tradition or practice. Buddha, as often assumed, but a
the religion. Are we able to digest semi-historical figure in Chinese
each question about Buddhism Do you have any favorite topics in folklore. “Is non-attachment
within five minutes of reading? the book that you would like to compatible with compassion?”
share with our readers? addresses the impression that
This depends on how carefully some people have that Buddhism
readers are concentrating and This is quite a difficult question is only about withdrawal and
on how much they know about to answer. When the questions non-attachment, and not about
Buddhism. The aim, though, is were brought together by the UK compassionate action. The answer
that reading each answer should Association for Buddhist Studies, argues that compassionate action
take about five minutes, perhaps we sought to be comprehensive. needs non-attachment and non-
a little longer for the answers that So the sections cover: Buddhism attachment needs compassion.
go beyond 1000 words. Hopefully, as a religion, the Buddha, what Then the answers to the questions
though, readers will then be taken the Buddha taught, monasticism on the role of devotion, faith, ritual,
into other questions in the book and lay people, the historical and relics in Buddhism demonstrate
and so develop their knowledge development of Buddhism, that Buddhism is much more than
further. At the end of each question Buddhist art and material culture, a philosophy. They show that it
there are suggestions about further Buddhism and other religions, is a total way of life, with all the
reading, including other answers Buddhist ethics, Buddhism and elements of a religion, bringing
within the book. contemporary issues, and emergent meaning and hope to millions. EH
Since there are so many books Buddhism. It was a pleasure to