Page 43 - EH67
P. 43
transform and liberate ourselves of developing the virtues of The core of Po Lam, however, is a
from sufferings. We do not need loving-kindness, generosity, and monastic sangha. The presence of
to constantly talk about cyclic acceptance with those we encounter fully-ordained monastics as the
existence. Eventually students in our daily life. Especially now, hub of a religious and spiritual
come to understand this. When during this pandemic where we community brings with it a deeply-
secular meditators come out of see people who are so frustrated, rooted foundation.
difficulties, they say “Wow! I am scared, and anxious. Just sharing
Po means precious, Lam means
better!” but then they begin to slide a smile, even while wearing a
forest. The whole word, Po Lam ( 寶
back into the same difficulties. They mask, or offering small gestures of
林 ) means “precious forest.” What
eventually recognize the vicious good will and caring can provide
is this forest, and why is it precious?
cycle of going back and forth and comfort and connection for people
The forest is the community of
the running in circles that is their who are struggling. No matter
the ordained monastics within
life. Committed meditators will how small, these actions all add up
that monastery, and it is precious
eventually see that they need more to the cultivation of the crucially
because it is from within this
support for their practice and important qualities of loving
community that the teachings of the
will begin to explore. Given the kindness and generosity.
Buddha are protected, maintained,
ease of access to information in
As the Buddha’s teachings have and brought into a living world.
today’s world of technology, I have
spread from ancient days to modern The Buddha’s teachings are subtle
no doubt that secular meditators
contemporary society, they have and run against the grain of the so-
will eventually choose to pursue
evolved. The monastic tradition is called “normal world.” It is vital for
meditation on a more spiritual level.
still the core pillar of support for these teachings to be experienced,
Developing a meditation practice serious practice. But the Buddha and the sangha creates a world
solely inside a meditation Hall, taught that householders can easily within which the wider community
however, is not the only means become serious practitioners. For of practitioners can experience
available to cultivate a peaceful and example, Anāthapiṇḍika was an the teachings directly. These
happy mind. early householder practitioner from experiences come not only through
the Buddha’s time. meditation, but from witnessing
When teaching, I often use
how the monastics work, how
gardening or farming metaphors Because my students are not
they plant a garden, how they set
and analogies to illustrate the monastics, I recommend and
their shoes on the shoe shelf, and
Buddha’s teachings. I talk a lot encourage them to first look after
how they strive to live in harmony
about ethical behavior in terms of their family and careers well. Once
producing healthy food for both the responsibilities and priorities of
the body and mind. When we their own lives have been fulfilled, In 1995, my teacher entrusted us
plant seeds of wholesomeness, they can utilize the rest of their with a teaching and mission. The
we wish that the nourishing foods time for their own practice. That first two phrases of the teaching
produced will benefit our own and remaining time can be divided are: “With the Buddha’s teachings
others’ health so that we can all into two parts. One part to serve coming to the West, the path of
have healthy bodies with which to people or to engage in community practice of the ancient teachers
practice. I also emphasize how work work. The other part devoted to a are revived and will flourish.” With
in our day-to-day lives, whether it committed meditation practice so these words in mind, my intention
is voluntary work or work we do to they can transform and improve was not to propagate the Buddha’s
support ourselves, these workplaces themselves, their relationships with teachings solely to the ethnic
can give us so many opportunities to family, colleagues, and all those they Chinese population. Even if this was
practice. I use peoples’ workspaces encounter in life. an intention, it would have been
to highlight the importance exceedingly difficult in our location