Page 22 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 22

years or a few days, or a few hours — even a few minutes. This is
             one very important aspect of Perfect Vision as applied to

             mundane things, i.e. seeing, clearly and steadily, that everything
             is impermanent, everything transient, and that you cannot hold
             onto anything for very long, at best only for a little while, and in

             the end have to relinquish it.

             (iii) Conditioned Existence is Devoid of True Selfhood. This is a
             rather difficult and abtruse aspect of Perfect Vision that needs a
             whole lecture to itself. All that can be said at present is that

             nowhere in conditioned existence, or in ourselves as
             conditioned, do we find true being, true individuality, or reality

             of any sort. If we just look at ourselves we become aware, very
             often, of just how empty, unreal and hollow we are — that our
             thoughts are not real thoughts, our emotions not real emotions.

             We do not feel real, genuine or authentic within ourselves. We
             shall not, in fact, find genuineness, or authenticity or true

             selfhood on the level of the mundane or the conditioned at all,
             but only on the level of the Unconditioned Reality.

             (f) Karma and Rebirth
             This doctrinal category, or expression of Perfect Vision in

             conceptual terms, is presented very vividly, sometimes almost
             pictorially, in the Buddhist Scriptures. There it is said of the
             Buddha and other Enlightened Beings that, on the eve of their

             Enlightenment, they saw passing before their eyes a great
             panorama of births, deaths and rebirths, not only of themselves

             but of other living beings in fact, of all living beings. Tracing the
             whole process of karma from One life to another, they saw very

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