Page 24 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 24

Conditioned existence is devoid of these characteristics of the

             Unconditioned.         It    is,   on     the     contrary,      unsatisfactory,
             impermanent, and not wholly real. For this reason the
             conditioned is said to be empty of the Unconditioned, Samsara

             empty Of Nirvana. What this means in practical terms is that we
             should not expect to find in the flux of the relative existence

             what only the Unconditioned, the Absolute can give us.

             (ii) Asamskrta Sunyata, or Emptiness of the Unconditioned. Here

             we see that the Unconditioned is devoid of the characteristics of
             the conditioned. In the Unconditioned, in Nirvana, there is no

             unhappiness or suffering, no impermanence, and no unreality,
             which are characteristics of the conditioned, but only the
             opposite characteristics in their fullness. This is the emptiness of

             the Unconditioned, i.e. that it is empty of everything
             conditioned. Just as in the conditioned one will not find the

             Unconditioned, so in the Unconditioned one will not find the

             These first two kinds of Sunyata are common to all forms of
             Buddhism. Being mutually exclusive, they obviously represent a

             comparatively dualistic approach. But this sort of approach is
             necessary as the working basis of our spiritual life in its early
             stages. We have to make this distinction, to think 'Here is the

             conditioned and there is the Unconditioned; I want to get from
             here to there.' We cannot help thinking in these terms in the

             early stages.

             According to the Hinayana tradition, Wisdom — seeing things as

             they are in reality — consists in seeing objects and persons in the
             external world, as well as all mental phenomena, in terms of

             what are technically known as 'dharmas'. Dharma has got many
             meanings. It usually

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