Page 27 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 27

are we must not dwell upon them too much, otherwise there is a

             danger that we might confuse Perfect Vision with right
             understanding in the purely theoretical sense. If I have done

             nothing else, I hope that I have at least been able to stress the
             fact that samyag-drsti is a Vision, an Insight, a spiritual
             experience of the nature of existence, in accordance with which

             we have to transform our lives, our being, in every aspect, on
             every level.

             In order to avoid concluding with any sort of conceptual
             emphasis, let me finish with a simile. Imagine we want to make a

             journey to climb some lofty mountain peak. What do we do?
             First we study a map of the terrain, of the surrounding foothills,

             and of the mountain itself.

             This study of the map corresponds to the theoretical study of

             Buddhist doctrine, i.e. knowing all about the Madhyamikas, the
             Yogacarins, the Sarvastivadins, and so on. But we actually have to

             start our journey, we have to get going, we have at least to get to
             base camp. This corresponds to our preliminary practice of the
             Buddha's teaching. Eventually, after several days, weeks, or

             months of traveling, we catch a glimpse of the distant mountain
             peak which is the object of our journey. We have come only a

             little way, and are still far from the foot of the mountain, but
             there in the distance we see the shining snow peak. We have a
             direct perception — a vision — of it, although from a very great

             distance. This glimpse of the peak corresponds to Perfect Vision,
             and it gives us inspiration and encouragement to continue our

             journey. We can go on from there keeping our eyes on the peak,
             never losing sight of it, at least not for more than a few minutes
             at a time. We may not care how long the journey,

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