Page 30 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 30

Perfect Emotion

               With the second stage of the Noble Eightfold Path we come to

               one of the most important questions, not to say problems, in
               the whole of the spiritual life. This is the question of reason and
               emotion. We all know from our own experience that it is

               comparatively easy to understand a religious or philosophical
               teaching intellectually, or theoretically. Abstruse, complex, and

               even intrinsically difficult as it may be, with a little mental
               exertion and systematic study we can usually manage I to
               understand it without too much trouble. But when it comes to

               putting that teaching into practice we find this a very much
               more difficult matter.’

               There is an oft-repeated anecdote from Buddhist history which
               well illustrates this point. It appears that in ancient times Indian

               monks used to go from India to China in large numbers to
               preach the Doctrine, and that at one period of Chinese history

               there was a very pious Chinese emperor who was always eager
               to welcome great sages and teachers from India. Now one

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