Page 25 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 25

means 'teaching' or 'doctrine', but here it means something quite
             different. According to the Hinayana there is in reality no such

             objective existent or thing as, for instance, a house, a tree, or a
             man. If we look at these things closely, if we examine and analyse
             them, they become, as it were, insubstantial. Ultimately they

             tend to reduce themselves to a flux, a flow of irreducible
             elements which are impersonal, non-substantial, psychophysical

             processes. These are known as dharmas.

             According to the Mahayana, however, Wisdom consists in

             reducing the dharmas themselves to Sünyatä. When we see
             things in terms of objects and persons, this, the Mahayana would

             say, is on account of our gross delusion. And this gross delusion is
             removed by our learning to see these objects and persons in
             terms of dharmas. But the Mahayana goes on to say that even

             seeing things in terms of dharmas is not to see them in their
             ultimate reality. We see things in terms of dharmas on account of

             subtle delusion and this too must be removed. As we remove it
             by knowing, by seeing, that the dharmas themselves are Sunyata.
             Wisdom in the Mahayana sense is known as the Perfection of

             Wisdom, the Prajna-paramita. The Perfection of Wisdom is
             concerned with seeing Sunyata everywhere, at all times, under

             all circumstances.
             The third and fourth kinds of Sunyata are peculiar to the

             (iii) Maha Sunyata, or Great Emptiness. In the Mahayana, 'maha'

             always means 'pertaining to Sunyata'. The Mahayana is 'the
             Vehicle of Sunyata'.

             In the Maha Sunyata we see that the distinction between the
             conditioned and the Unconditioned is not ultimately

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