Page 35 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 35

until our emotions are engaged, — there is no spiritual life,

             properly speaking.

             Now what is Perfect Emotion? Before entering into this question

             I want to clear up two possible misunderstandings. I have spoken
             of involving the emotions in the spiritual life, but this is not to be

             understood in a purely negative and psychological sense. It does
             not mean the involvement of crude untransformed emotions
             with irrational, pseudo-religious concepts and attitudes. For

             example, suppose somebody hears that church halls are being
             used for dances on Sunday evenings. He gets very hot under the

             collar, gets very upset that the Sabbath is being desecrated, that
             the church hall is being used for such immoral purposes. In his
             indignation and excitement he writes a letter to The Times

             denouncing the immorality of the younger generation and
             predicting the downfall of — I was going to say the British

             Empire, but you know the sort of thing I have in mind. Now you
             may think that he is really worked up, and that his emotions are
             really involved in a religious issue of sorts, but there is no Perfect

             Emotion because there is no Perfect Vision. There is only a
             bundle of prejudices and rationalizations in the name of religion.

             We see other examples of this kind of behavior in those famous
             institutions the Inquisition and the Crusades. A great deal of
             emotion was involved in these and some people think of it as

             religious emotion, but again it was not Perfect Emotion in the
             Buddhist sense. Although ostensibly connected with religion,

             there was no element of Perfect Vision present. This is the first
             kind of misunderstanding to be guarded against. Secondly, it is
             not possible to transform one's emotional nature by strength of

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