Page 38 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 38

we do it in a violent or dramatic fashion; not like the gentleman I

             heard about over the radio the other day, who climbed up the
             Eiffel Tower and threw his television set from the viewing
             platform. (He was protesting against the quality of French

             television programmes, but at least his action indicated a certain
             degree of detachment from his television set!). The point to be

             made is that if we really have some sort of vision of the true
             nature of existence, and have really seen the inadequacy of
             material, worldly things, then our hold on them will be relaxed

             and we will be quite willing and happy to let at least some of
             them go — to have just one car, perhaps !

             (b) Avyapada or Non-hate.

             Vyapada is literally 'doing harm', therefore 'hatred'. Hatred, as
             we know, is closely connected with craving, there being a strong
             link between them. Very often we find that hatred or

             antagonism, in any of its numerous forms, is at bottom
             frustrated craving. We see this very clearly in the case of

             children. If you do not give them something that they want very
             much, they just fly into a rage or tantrum. Adults do not usually
             do this. Their reactions are not usually so simple and

             uncomplicated, for their cravings are, in any case, much more
             complex. They do not crave simply for material things, but

             instead for success, recognition, praise, and affection. When
             these things are denied, especially when denied a long time,
             then a mood of frustration sets in. This produces in many people

             a deep bitterness, indulgence in constant criticism of others,
             fault-finding, nagging and all sorts of other negative activities.

             But with the decrease of craving,

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