Page 36 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 36

intellectual or rational conviction. We cannot reason or argue

             ourselves into a state of Perfect Emotion. Our emotions can be
             thoroughly transformed only by Perfect Vision, which is a spiritual
             insight or spiritual experience.

             Perfect Emotion represents the descent of Perfect Vision into our

             emotional nature in such a way as to transform it totally. It has a
             positive aspect and a negative aspect.

             The Negative Aspect of Perfect Emotion
             This consists of what we call in Pali nekkhamma, avyapada, and


             (a) Nekkhamma or Non-desire

             Nekkhamma is non-desire, renunciation, giving up or giving away.
             This is extremely important. As we have already seen, Perfect

             Emotion follows Perfect Vision, i.e. vision into the true nature of
             things, or into the nature of existence. One aspect of Perfect
             Vision is Insight into the unsatisfactory nature of conditioned

             existence, or life as we usually live it. This sort of Insight should,
             by its very nature, have some kind of practical result. Nekkhamma

             is that practical result. It represents a decrease of craving within
             us consequent upon our vision of the true nature of conditioned
             things. We see their inadequacy and, because we see their

             inadequacy, we become less attached to them and crave for
             them less. Our tight grip on worldly things, usually so convulsive,

             starts relaxing. Since it is craving that is the basic unwholesome
             mental state, we should examine ourselves in this respect, and
             ask ourselves the very pertinent question: 'Since I started taking


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