Page 39 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 39

and the loosening of our grip on at least some material things,
             hatred also decreases, because the possibility of frustration is

             progressively reduced. So another question we should ask
             ourselves is: 'Since I started taking a real interest in Buddhism,
             have I become at least a little better tempered?' If even within

             the Buddhist circle there are little tiffs and misunderstandings it
             means that some people, at least, are not putting their

             Buddhism into practice: have no Perfect Vision; no Perfect

             (c) Avihimsa or Non-cruelty
             Himsa is violence or harm, and vihimsa is deliberate infliction of

             pain and suffering. Vihimsa is a very strong word in Pali and
             Sanskrit, and is best translated as 'cruelty'. Its connection with
             hatred is obvious, but it is much worse than hatred because it

             generally connotes a wanton infliction of pain or a positive
             pleasure in the infliction of pain. In the Mahayana form of

             Buddhism, at least, cruelty in this sense is considered the
             greatest of all possible sins. Often, of course, especially in the
             case of children, it is due to simple thoughtlessness: they do not

             realize that other forms of life do suffer; therefore it is important
             for those who do have dealings with children, whether as

             parents or educators, to try and instil into children a sense of the
             fact that living beings are living beings like themselves and do
             suffer if you poke your finger in their eye or stick a pin into them

             in a sensitive place. Children may not realtze this, and if they see
             an animal that they have just kicked wriggling and howling they

             may simply be amused, not understanding that pain has been

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