Page 44 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 44

Finally, surpassing even the giving of one's own life, there is
             what is called in Buddhism the giving of the gift of Dharma: the
             gift of Truth itself; the gift of the knowledge, or understanding,

             of the way of Enlightenment, Emancipation, Buddhahood, or
             Nirvana. The gift of this sort of knowledge surpasses all other

             gifts whatsoever.

             These are just some of the things which one can give, and

             looking at them we can begin to see how vast, and how
             comprehensive, the whole field is. According to Buddhist

             teaching we should be giving in some way or other, on some
             level or other, all the time. In the Buddhist East, dana or giving
             penetrates and permeates all aspects of social and religious life.

             If you go along to a temple, for instance, you don't go empty-
             handed: you take with you flowers, candles, and incense, and

             offer them there. In the same way, if you go to see a friend, even
             if the visit is only a casual one, you always take a present. When I
             was staying in Kalimpong, and mixing a great deal with Tibetans,

             I found that this was absolutely de rigueur. A friend would not
             think of appearing on your doorstep without a tin of biscuits

             under his arm. In this way the spirit or feeling of giving
             permeates all aspects of life in many Buddhist countries. No
             doubt all this does sometimes become just a custom, and very

             often there might not be much feeling attached to it.
             Nonetheless, when you are doing this sort of thing all the time,

             in one form or another, then it does have some influence upon
             the mind — even if you are doing it only because you are
             expected to. You get into the habit of giving and sharing, and

             thinking a little bit about others instead of all the time about

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