Page 45 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 45

(b) Maitri, or Love

              The Sanskrit word maitri is derived from mitra, which means
              friend. According to the Buddhist texts, maitri is that love which
              one feels for a very near and dear, very intimate, friend. The

              English words 'friend' and 'friendship' nowadays have a rather
              tepid connotation, and friendship is regarded as a rather feeble

              emotion. But it is not like that in the East. There maitri or
              friendship is a very powerful and positive emotion, being usually
              defined as an overwhelming desire for the happiness and well-

              being of the other person — not just in the material sense but in
              the spiritual sense too. Again and again is one exhorted, in

              Buddhist literature and Buddhist teaching, to develop this
              feeling of friendship which we have towards a near and dear

              friend towards all living beings. This feeling is summed up in the
              phrase: sabbe satta sukhi hontu or, 'May all beings be happy!'
              which represents the heartfelt wish of all Buddhists. If we really

              do have this feeling in a heartfelt way, not just thinking about
              the feeling, but experiencing the feeling itself, then we have


              In Buddhism the development of maitri is not just left to chance.

              Some people indeed think that either you have got love for
              others or you haven't, and that if you haven't that's just too bad,

              because there's nothing you can do about it. But Buddhism does
              not look at it like this. In Buddhism there are definite exercises,
              definite practices, for the development of maitri or love: what

              we call maitri-bhavana. As some of those who have tried to
              practise them will know, they are not very easy. We do not find

              it very easy to develop love; but, if we persist, and if we succeed,
              we find the experience a very rewarding one.

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