Page 41 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 41

have arisen, should find it impossible to indulge.

             In the same way, it should be impossible for a Buddhist to

             indulge in blood sports. You may tell me you know the
             Abhidhamma very well, but if, at the same time, you are
             engaging in blood sports every Sunday morning, I shall not take

             your knowledge of the Abhidhamma very seriously. This is an
             extreme case. Most people don't indulge in blood sports

             nowadays, though some unfortunately still do, and even try to
             defend the practice. Still, from a Buddhist point of view, — from
             the point of view of Perfect Vision and Perfect Emotion, blood

             sports are quite inadmissible, on account of the very definite
             and wanton cruelty involved.

             There is also the whole question of vegetarianism. Many people
             feel that they cannot take meat or fish because here again

             cruelty — often deliberate and wanton — is involved. Though in
             Buddhism there is no hard and fast rule that if you want to be a

             Buddhist you must be a vegetarian, yet a sincere Buddhist, i.e.
             one who is trying to follow the Eightfold Path, and in whom
             Perfect Vision has arisen and Perfect Emotion is beginning to

             stir, will certainly make some sort of move in this direction. The
             reason for this is that as he progresses on the spiritual path his

             feelings become more and more sensitive, so that eventually
             things like eating meat just drop away of their own accord.

             The Positive Aspect of Perfect Emotion
             This consists of a number of wholesome emotions, all

             connected. First come the positive counterparts of renunciation,
             non-hatred, and non-cruelty, known in Sanskrit as (a) dana,

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