Page 42 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 42

(b) maitri (Pali metta), (c) karuna, that is to say, giving, love and

             compassion. These are followed by mudita or sympathetic joy,
             upeksa (Pali upekkha) or tranquility, and sraddha (Pali saddha),
             or faith and devotion. Maitri, karuna, mudita and upeksa

             collectively form the brahma viharas or 'sublime states'.

             (a) Dana or Giving
             In a sense this is the basic Buddhist virtue, without which you
             can hardly call yourself a Buddhist. Dana consists not so much in

             the act of giving — much less in the actual amount you give —
             as in the feeling of wanting to give. or to share what you have

             with other people. This feeling of wanting to give, or to share, is
             often the first manifestation of the spiritual life — the first sign
             that craving and attachment have decreased to some extent.

             Däna is discussed at great length in Buddhist literature, and
             many different forms are enumerated.

             First, there is the giving of material things, or sharing what you
             have of the good things of life: food, clothing and so on. In

             ancient times this aspect of dana was very important and
             although it may not now be quite so important it is still a form of

             dana that should not be neglected. Some people in the East try
             to give something of a material nature every day, be it food to a
             beggar, a small sum of money, or just a cup of tea, so that every

             day something is given, or something shared, on the material
             plane. Some people in this country like to feed the birds every

             day. This is another form of the same practice.

             Then there is the giving of time, energy, and thought.

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