Page 52 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 52

positive than Love, Compassion, or Joy — indeed even more so,
            according to Buddhist tradition. Upeksa is not simply the absence

            of something else, but a quality and a state in its own right. It is a
            positive, vibrant state which is much nearer to the state of bliss
            than it is to our usual conception of peace. This also is a very

            important aspect of Perfect Emotion.

            (f) Sraddha, or Faith and Devotion
            This is not faith in the sense of belief, but the emotional aspect
            of our total response to the Truth, especially the Truth as

            embodied in certain symbols. In Buddhism faith and devotion are
            directed especially towards the Three Jewels, or Three Most

            Precious Things: the Buddha, the Enlightened Teacher; the
            Dharma, or the Teaching of the Way to Enlightenment, and the
            Sangha, the Community of disciples treading the Way to

            Enlightenment. These Three Jewels have their appropriate
            symbols. The Buddha is symbolized by the Buddha image, the

            Dharma or Teaching by the scriptures, and the Sangha by the
            members of the monastic order. Throughout the Buddhist East,
            in all Buddhist countries, these three symbols — the image, the

            scriptures, and the monks — are treated with very great
            reverence indeed; not on their own account, but on account of

            what they represent and what they symbolize.

            We have already seen that there are practices for developing

            maitri or Love. In the same, way in Buddhism, as in other
            religions, there are practices for developing faith and devotion.

            One such practice is called the Sevenfold Puja. As its name
            suggests, this consists of seven parts, the parts between them
            representing a sequence of devotional moods and attitudes

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