Page 55 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 55

to the Dharma as the Way to realize that Ideal, and the Sangha as
             the Community of those in whose company we shall realize that

             Ideal. Going for Refuge marks a turning point in our spiritual life.
             It represents a total re-orientation of our whole life in the
             direction of the Ideal. Formal 'taking' of the Refuges is done by

             repeating the formula of Refuge, plus certain Silas, or ethical
             precepts, after a monk. This makes one what is called an Upäsaka

             or Upäsikä, a lay brother or lay sister, which is the first level of
             the Buddhist order. *

             Fourthly, Confession of Faults. Confession is of great importance
             in all forms of Buddhism, though its significance is psychological

             rather than theological. Many people, as we know, suffer from
             repressed feelings of guilt, and because of these repressed
             feelings of guilt, leading very often to self-hatred, they cannot

             develop maitri or Love, at least not in its fullness. Buddhist
             monks, if conscious of any fault or shortcoming, confess among

             themselves, especially to their own teachers, or to the Buddha. It
             is also the custom, if you are conscious of any fault or
             shortcoming in yourself, to burn incense in front of the image of

             the Buddha and recite sutras, and to go on doing this until

                 * At this point in the original lecture, given during the first year of the FWBO's
              existence, I spoke of the possibility of Upasaka and Upasika ordinations being held
              shortly under our auspices. The first of these ordinations took place on 7th April 1968,
              thus bringing into existence the Western Buddhist Order, which now numbers some
              300 ordained members. In the course of the last few years the requirements for
              ordination have been upgraded to such an extent that it is no longer appropriate to
              refer to members of the Order as lay brothers and lay sisters, or even as Upasakas and
              Upasikas. They are now simply known as Dharmacharis and Dharmacharinis, or
              'Practicers of the Dharma' , and there is only one level of ordination for all.

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