Page 56 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 56

you feel free from the sense of guilt. Although this is very
             important psychologically, these practices do not absolve you

             from the consequences of the fault that has been committed.
             You still have to suffer the consequences of your actions, but you
             are free, subjectively, from the feeling of remorse or guilt, which

             is very important, because it can poison or vitiate our whole
             spiritual life.

             Fifthly, Rejoicing in Merits. This is complementary to the previous
             practice. If you think about your faults and contemplate your

             numerous backslidings too much or too often you may become a
             bit disheartened. So you should inspire yourself afterwards by

             recollecting the virtues of others, thinking especially of the
             Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, of the lives they have led, and the
             perfections they have practised. Think, say, of the inspiring

             example of Milarepa, or Han Shan, or Hui Neng, or Hakuin.

             Think, if you like, of the various secular heroes and heroines who
             have lived for the benefit of others and whose lives are an
             inspiration to us: people like Florence Nightingale and Elizabeth

             Fry great humanitarians, great social reformers, and so on. Think,
             even, of the virtues of ordinary people. Think of your own

             friends: how well they sometimes act; how unselfish they are on
             occasion, how kind. Dwell on this more positive side of their
             natures, and in this way learn to appreciate, to rejoice in, the

             merits of all other living beings, from the Buddhas and
             Bodhisattvas right down to the ordinary people who happen to

             be your friends and neighbors. This will give you a feeling of
             exhilaration, even of support. You will realize that you are not
             alone in the world, spiritually speaking, but are treading

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