Page 58 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 58

is no religious individualism. When you practice any religious

             exercise you should feel that all other living beings are practicing
             with you. In the Mahayana there is a way of actually developing

             this kind of attitude. When performing a religious exercise you
             should visualize everybody else as doing it with you and sharing
             in its benefits. If you sit and meditate, think of everybody else as

             meditating. When you chant the Buddha's praises, think of
             everybody else as chanting. When you recite a mantra, think of

             everyone else as reciting. In this way you develop the feeling of
             sharing whatever benefits you derive from your spiritual practice
             with other people, and this, of course, paves the way for taking

             what we call the Bodhisattva Vow: the vow that one will gain
             Enlightenment not for one's own sake only, but for the sake of

             all living beings whatsoever; that one will carry them with one,
             so to speak, so that all gain Enlightenment, all enter Nirvana, all
             achieve Supreme Buddhahood.

             This is the Sevenfold Puja: a very beautiful sequence of

             devotional moods to which we give expression in appropriate
             words and appropriate actions.

             Most of the positive emotions to which I have referred are what
             are called social emotions. In other words they are emotions

             which refer to other people, and which arise in the course of our
             various relationships with them. We do not feel them alone.
             They spring up between us and other people — spring up within

             the group. The positive emotions: love, compassion, joy and so
             on, are much more easily cultivated in the group, where people

             at least sometimes have friendly and happy faces. If we just sit at
             home trying to be all loving and compassionate and joyous, it
             will not be so easy. This is why we have a Spiritual Community,

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