Page 57 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 57

the same path that others trod, and are treading, successfully.

             On account of this realization you will feel buoyed up, as it were,
             in your own spiritual life and spiritual endeavor.

             Sixthly, Entreaty and Supplication. This is based on an episode in
             the Buddha's life. According to legend, after his Enlightenment a

             certain deity, Brahma Sahampatti by name, appeared before
             him and requested him to make known the Truth he had

             discovered, out of compassion for all living beings. We must
             understand the true significance of this. It is not that the Buddha
             needs to be reminded of what he has to do. He didn't really

             need Brahma Sahampatti to come and advise that he ought to
             teach. What this episode, and this part of the Puja, signifies, is

             that the disciple must be ready; the disciple must really want the
             Teaching and must entreat, as it were, the Teacher, the Buddha,
             to give the Teaching. 'When the disciple is ready the Master will

             appear.' This part of the Puja, then, represents that readiness
             and willingness to receive the Teaching.

             Seventh and lastly, Transference of Merits and Self-Surrender.
             This consists in wishing that whatever merit, whatever benefit,

             you might have gained from celebrating this Sevenfold Puja, or
             from performing any other religious act, whether observing the

             precepts, Going for Refuge, studying Buddhist philosophy, or
             practicing meditation, you want to share it with all other living
             beings. You are not concerned just with your own salvation. You

             have not got your eye on Nirvana for your own sake only. You
             want to gather up, as it were, the whole of humanity, indeed all

             living beings, and help them as well as yourself — contribute to
             their evolution in the direction of the goal of Nirvana. There

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