Page 22 - Teacher's Guide: My Own SBA Toolkit for CSEC English Examinations
P. 22
Some planning guidelines for oral presentation
Date and time
4 Determine approximate time to complete assessment for EACH candidate; consider time for:
• reception of candidate
• the candidate’s presentation
• post-presentation deliberations • documentation
4 Schedule dates and time blocks (based on number of students you will need to assess)
4 Determine which room(s) to use; plan to:
• notify other
stakeholders in order to minimize intrusions/disruptions
• install signage to indicate “Examination in Progress”
Furniture & equipment
4 Determine what will be required and how these will be arranged; ensure you consider:
• table and/or desks and chairs for assessors
• podium and microphone • recording device(s)
• a clock
Communicate the plan
4 Advise students of dates, time, and possible location
4 Brief students of the procedure to be followed
Model the presentation
4 Deliver a model presentation; ensure that you provide good examples of the kinds of behaviours that will receive full marks
Facilitate practice
4 Provide opportunities for practice; 2 or 3 students could present with these being recorded and played back for review and whole-class discussion
Pre-staging area
4 Ensure that candidates are on location AT LEAST 15 minutes before scheduled time slot
4 Provide adequate facilities to allow for last minute rehearsals
In the room
4 Reset/rearrange room if required (as sometimes the last candidate may have done some shifting around)
4 Ensure that correct score sheets are distributed to raters/assessors
Receiving the candidate
4 Welcome the candidate and ask that he/she state their name
4 Check to ensure that name as stated matches name on score sheets
4 Outline the following clearly: • purpose of the assessment • time allocated
• method of scoring
• signalling mechanism to advise time remaining
It’s show time
4 As you press the timer (and start the recording device), say to the candidate “You may begin ...”
At the end of the
4 Thank the candidate for coming 4 Discuss scores awarded by each
rater and agree on score for EACH criterion; review recording where necessary
4 Label and file away recording (as evidence)
4 Document the scores
4 Get ready for the next candidate
My Own SBA Toolkit for CSEC English Examinations | Teacher’s Guide