Page 25 - Teacher's Guide: My Own SBA Toolkit for CSEC English Examinations
P. 25

 Task Description
Each student will create a Portfolio on an issue/topic/theme/event selected by the students in
the group and approved by the teacher. The issue/topic/theme/event will also be orally presented. The issue/topic/theme/event selected should allow for meaningful research and presentation.
The Portfolio should include a written report of the investigation which should be a summary of the processes, procedures and outcomes of the research. It should include the material collected, reasons for selection and analysis of the material. A satisfactory report should be about 250–300 words in total.
Portfolio Component: Written Report
Portfolio Component: Written Report
1. Content
2. Evidence of
3. Language use and
Need Improvement (1)
Does not meet the required number of pieces.
Inadequate evidence of research.
Good control of basic grammar, vocabulary and mechanics.
Developing (2)
The required number of pieces has been selected but some of the issues are only implied.
Good evidence of research.
Very good control language (grammar, and vocabulary)— errors do not suggest lack
of capacity.
Sufficient (3)
Some of the issues associates with
the stimuli are not clearly stated (more information is needed).
All sources of
the various stimuli are acknowledged and documented.
Excellent use of Standard English in the appropriate tone and register.
Above Average (4)
Issues raised
in the stimuli
are clearly defined and fully explored.
Levels & Scoring Scale
Section 4: Assessing Like a Pro
Figure 7. A simplified version of scoring rubric D.
Standards for Performance

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