Page 26 - Teacher's Guide: My Own SBA Toolkit for CSEC English Examinations
P. 26

Unpacking Rubric D
In this example, we address one strand in the content criteria; the “definition and exploration of the issues” In a later example, we will discuss a second element that treats with the “descrip- tion of all relevant tasks”
Table 2. Simplified version of criterion 1 of rubric D with explanatory notes.
         1 Content
Does not meet the required number of pieces
The required number of pieces has been se- lected but some of the issues are only implied
Some of the issues associated with the stimuli are not clearly stated (more information is needed)
Issues raised in the stimuli are clearly de- fined and fully explored
          2 Explanatory Notes
This is clear cut—three pieces must be consid- ered If less than three pieces are present, then award one mark for this criterion
At least three pieces se- lected, and all conform to the specifications provided (i e one must be print)
“Some of the issues are only implied” suggests that AT LEAST TWO issues that have been identified for consider- ation suggested but not directly expressed
One issue not clearly stated is permissible but not two One will not qualify as some howev- er two does
To earn the mark asso- ciated with this criterion, all or all except one
of the issues must be clearly stated; no addi- tional information should be needed to make sense of the issue within the context presented
To be assessed as being above average, the response must have all issues clear-
ly defined and fully explored There should be clarity in how the issues are presented— background, situational context, who is affect- ed etc should all be presented Additionally, each of the issues should be completely or entirely explored within the parameters of the topic.
  My Own SBA Toolkit for CSEC English Examinations | Teacher’s Guide

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