Page 1 - Walkerville RSL - August (3) News 2017
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“Lest We Forget”
Walkerville RSL Sub Branch Inc.
August (3) News
98 - 100 Walkerville Terrace, Ph: 8269 7679
Walkerville SA 5081 Email:
From the Command Post:
As we approach the end of August we draw the close on a fairly hectic and very successful month at the Sub Branch
and I thank all for their efforts in this regard, particularly the Committee, Friday lunchtime helpers (incorporating the
Walkerville VVA Sub Branch) in addition to those who assisted behind the bar during the external functions.
I remind all members that at 1400hrs on Friday the 15 . September, the 3 . Quarter General Meeting will be held,
the time and date being set at the 2016 Annual General Meeting. The below agenda refers and my 3 . Quarter
President’s Address will be forwarded with the September e-newsletter.
Opening (The Ode having been recited at 1230hrs, will not be recited again.)
President’s Address.
Minutes of the ½ Yearly General Meeting & Business arising.
Statement of Account.
General Business.
Next ¼ General Meeting will be incorporated within the 2017 Annual General Meeting to be held, 1100hrs, Friday
15 . December, 2017.
The September Committee Meeting will follow at 1445hrs.
I also note advice from Mr Bronson Horan, interim President of RSL-SA advising that the Deeds of Company
Arrangement for RSL-SA / ANZAC Remembrance Day Trust / Poppy Day Trust have been executed ending the saga
of RSL-SA being in Administration. I again congratulate all involved in this successful transition back to RSL-SA now
operating as a stand alone legal entity in its own right and look forward to RSL-SA again assuming the role as the
primary South Australian Ex Service Organisation, for the benefit of current and ex service personnel members,
affiliate & associate members, in addition to the wider South Australian community.
I further note the interest shown by all in the historical excerpts included in past newsletters. Therefore, this issue
focuses on the history of the Harefield Flag, originally woven in 1852 and now restored and under glass at Adelaide
High School, the flag being a unique part of both the British and Australian military histories.
I conclude by requesting all who can to support next week’s Legacy Appeal by either assisting in collecting or
donating. I particularly again thank to Wing Commander Colin Coghill, WOFF Stewart Garth CSC and all members of
No 87 Squadron, RAAF Edinburgh for their invaluable assistance, not only for Legacy week, but also for the ANZAC
and Remembrance Appeals.
Norm Coleman
M: 0417 817 568
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