Page 4 - Walkerville RSL - August (3) News 2017
P. 4

Place Mat initiative by member David Wright extended to Korea and Vietnam Service:

               David is asking all Walkerville RSL Sub Branch Members should they have family history linked to WW1, WW2 , Korea
               or Vietnam if they wish to submit a family photo – be it a soldier / sailor / airman or nurse and a story if available on
               their service records (name / rank serial no – any notations / awards / rank / regiment etc) for this place mat
               initiative. The concept is that this information will be made into individual place mats featuring these people, the
               mats then being for use at luncheons / dinners at the club – then all can read stories of locals and members. The
               cost is $20. David can be contacted on Ph: 8344 9030 /
               E: David’s company Travel Prospects, 2A Walkerville Terrace, Walkerville,
               specialises in battlefield and military tours.

               Diary Dates:

               Friday 25 . August, 2017:
               Clubrooms open from 1130hrs to 2400hrs
               Stand Fast incorporating the Ode -1230hrs
               Lunch following - B’bque & salad - cost $7.00

               Evening Meal - 1800hrs - $7.00

               60 / 40 Dance 2000hrs to 2400hrs (including / Rock & Roll / Salsa / Ballroom / etc)
               Free entry and full bar service available.

               Sunday 27 . August, 2017:
               Jazz on Walkerville for a “Pleasant Sunday Arvo” with the Band Hot Foot Jazz, from 1300hrs to 1600hrs.
               A great way to enjoy a “Pleasant Sunday Arvo” in relaxed, congenial atmosphere with great entertainment.
               Lunch - B’bque & salad – 1200hrs - cost $10.00. Bookings required to the Sub Branch.
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