Page 2 - Walkerville RSL - August (3) News 2017
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2017 Committee:
               President - Mr Norm Coleman - M: 0417 817 568 / /
               Vice President - Mr Rod Hill – M: 0439 806 992 / /
               Secretary - Mr Zbigniew Ziggy Wisniewski – M: 0428 442 166 /
               Treasurer - Mr Frank Hargreaves – M: 0408 842 769 /
               Committee Members:
               Mr Richard Adcock / Mr Geoff Maczkowiack / Mr Brian Murdock / Mrs Rena Pascoe.
               Assisted by:
               Mrs Michelle Dickson (Finance) / Ms Louise Di Virgilio (Facebook) / Mr Malcolm Allen (Administration)

               New Members:

               Harry Monaghan ex WO2 (1  Tour 7RAR SVN) - father of member Jack Monaghan (ex 10/27RSAR).
               Dr Suzette Blight - (Malayan Emergency) RAMC.
               Ray Henry - Transfer from the Salisbury RSL.

               Sick Parade:

               Rex Adams - A long time member, we wish Rex all the best as he battles a long term illness.

               Ross McDonald - Ross commenced as a nasho in the 1950’s before continuing on as a signaller attached to various
               infantry units. His claim to Army fame was developing a non issue field radio antenna, the consequences of which
               followed him all the way to when he was working in London.  A regular lunch time regular, we wish Ross well as he
               battles cancer.

               Ziggy’s Bar raffle Winner:

               Congratulations to Russell Wingary, a social visitor at the recent Rock ‘n Roll extravaganza  - on winning the bottle of
               Jim Beam Devil’s Cut Bourbon (RRP $52.50) The new raffle prize is another bottle of Jim Beam Devil’s Cut Bourbon
               (RRP $52.50). A great bargain with only 100 tickets for sale at $1.00 per ticket. All proceeds of the ongoing bar
               raffles will go towards materials for the bar rear area upgrade being undertaken by Club Secretary and Bar Manager,
               Ziggy and Club Treasurer, Frank Hargreaves.
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