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About Prosig                                           About CMG

        Prosig  was established  in  1977 by                  Condition  Monitoring  Group  (CMG)
        members of ISVR (Institute of Sound                   Ltd.  specialises in  the recording,
        & Vibration Research) at Southampton                  analysing, trending and interpretation
        University.  The  company’s goal  was                 of  Vibration  Data,  enabling  effective
        to provide  customers with  the  best                 Condition  Monitoring  of structural
        available hardware and software for noise             and  rotating  machinery  for the aviation,
        and vibration measurement.                            automotive and power industries.
        The  company  focuses on  producing  reliable,  high  quality,   The  Group  has  over 25  years’ experience, including  data
        integrated measurement solutions that allow their customers to   acquisition, industrial plant knowledge, systems / safety critical
        achieve best practice by using the latest tools available to the   software  development  and  project management,  providing  an
        test engineer. Prosig sells hardware and software and can offer   extensive  range  of  system capability,  expertise  and  capability.
        consultancy, rental and training services around the world.   It is  able  to offer the technologies  and  services  required to
        The existing UK headquarters, in Fareham UK, were completed   optimise  complex systems,  identify  potential  failures and  help
        in 1982 and Prosig USA, Inc. was founded in 1986. In 2001 an   our  customers  to develop  effective solutions,  thus  reducing
        engineering center was opened in Detroit to provide high quality   operational costs, enhancing availability, and improving safety.
        support to customers in the area.                     The companies with together form Condition Monitoring Group
        In 2014 Prosig became part of Condition Monitoring Group (CMG)   Ltd.  bring  wide  ranging  experience  in  relation  to innovative
        Limited. Together,  Prosig  & CMG  have numerous product and   product design, which has earned the Group a well-established
        technology synergies, which provide significant advantages to its   reputation within various arenas, including:
        customers.                                              Helitune Ltd. – specialising in development, manufacture and
        Prosig  maintains  a  network of  agents  to support  business  in   supply of Helicopter Rotor Track & Balance Solutions.  Helitune’s
        Europe,  North America,  India,  China,  Japan,  South  Korea,   expertise also extends into component Vibration Analysis, and
        Australia and South America.                            Health & Usage Monitoring Systems (HUMS).
        Our  systems are  designed  using  the knowledge  that we have   Beran  Instruments  Ltd.  –  leader in  Condition  Monitoring
        gained over 40 years of solving sound and vibration problems for   within  the  Power Industry,  supplying  electronic  systems  and
        the likes of NASA, Dow, Ford, British Aerospace, GM, Siemens,   software for vibration analysis of rotating machines.
        Sharp, BMW and Airbus as well as F1 teams, air forces, power   Systems & Electronics, Inc. (SEI) – major supplier of data
        generators, universities and  military organisations  around  the   acquisition and structural health monitoring systems for fixed-
        world.                                                  wing aircraft.
        We are passionate about  sound  and  vibration  measurement   Prosig Ltd.  –  specialists in  noise,  vibration  and  harshness
        and  signal  processing.  We needed  tools with a  high  degree   (NVH) systems  and  acoustical testing within  the automotive
        of  precision  and  integrity  to measure  and  analyse  sound  and   and power industries.
        vibration. Nothing we found was good enough; so we made our   With its headquarters in the UK, Condition Monitoring Group Ltd.
        own.                                                  is an international Group with subsidiaries in three of its major
                                                              markets – USA, Germany and Italy.

                      Prosig has achieved the internationally
                      recognised ISO9001, establishing it
                      as one of the leaders in its field. This   “
                      demonstrates Prosig’s commitment to        Prosig was formed by
                      customer service and quality in delivery   engineers and academics who
                                                                 were committed to measuring
                                                                 and analyzing sound &
          Prosig Noise & Vibration Blog                          vibration using the highest
                                                                 quality hardware and software
                                                                 tools. We continue that tradition today by
          The   Noise  &  Vibration                              making measurement and monitoring
          Measurement  Newsletter  is
          published regularly via e-mail.                        systems that are precise, robust and reliable.
          It contains a variety of articles                      Through our products, blogs, support services
          on all aspects of noise &                              & training we aim to share our many decades
          vibration testing, measurement                         of knowledge with our partners and clients.
          and analysis.  To read some
          previous articles and to sign
          up for the newsletter visit                            Chris Mason

                                General Manager, Prosig
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