Page 5 - Prosig Catalogue 2005
P. 5
Easy Signal Processing System Human Response Pro System
Data Acquisition ISO2631 Whole Body
Time Domain Analysis (Parts 1,4 & 5)
Frequency Analysis Motion Sickness ISO2631
Digital Filtering ISO5349 Hand Arm
Signal Arithmetic (including Multi-Tool)
Data Import / Export DIN45669 Building Vibration
Probability Analysis ISO6954 Ship Vibration
Curve Fitting ISO8041 Weightings
SEAT Vibration
(ISO10326-1 & EEC78/764)
The Prosig ESP (Easy Signal Processing) System combines
4 esp (easy signal processing) system the P8004 4-channel data acquisition hardware with fully- VDV, RMQ, RMS, MSDV, MTVV
featured analysis software, in a single, low cost package.
4 human response starter system The Prosig P8004 is an ultra-portable, high quality, 24-bit data Vibration Quality Measure
acquisition system. It is compact, rugged and has 4 high speed
5 nvh starter system analog inputs plus a dedicated tacho input. Industry standard Many aspects of our lives including work, travel and leisure expose
BNC sockets are used for our bodies to vibration. Many of these vibration phenomena are
5 nvh pro system input connections. described and limited by legislation and many can be accurately
The ESP System comes Signal Processing measured according to specific ISO, DIN and EEC standards.
6 modal starter system Prosig’s Human Response Pro System provides all the
with a very easy to use - the easy way hardware and software
6 rotor runout system software package for the required to carry out
investigation and reporting
of experimental and theoretical data. Data may be captured A comprehensive toolkit human vibration studies.
7 acoustic measurement system using the P8004 data acquisition unit, imported from a wide for the measurement The Prosig P8004 unit has
variety of formats or generated in the ESP software. It can then four 24-bit analog inputs
7 fatigue & durability system be manipulated, edited and analyzed with 1000’s of analysis of human response to for accurate measurement
functions. ESP analyses include Time Domain Analysis, Filtering, vibration of vibration signals from
the supplied transducers.
Frequency Domain Analysis, Dataset Manipulation / Editing,
Arithmetic, Calculus, Probability and Statistics. DATS Human Biodynamics Suite contains all of the necessary
System includes... functions to analyze vibration data and produce results for the
standards shown above.
- P8004 4-channel data acquisition system Page 10
- DATS-lite software System includes...
- All leads & cables - P8004 4-channel data acquisition system Page 10
- DATS.toolbox software Page 32
- DATS Human Response Biodynamics Suite Page 41
- 1 x Triaxial accelerometer Page 22
- 2 x Uniaxial accelerometer Page 22
- 1 x Multi-component force plate
- All leads, cables & accelerometer wax
Human Response Starter System
ESP System 03-33-1007 Human Response Starter System including
4 channel P8004, DATS.toolbox software, DATS
03-33-834 ESP (Easy Signal Processing) System including Human Response Biodynamics Suite, 1 x triaxial
4-channel P8004 and integrated DATS-lite data accelerometer, 2 x uniaxial accelerometer, 1 x
acquisition & signal processing software. multi-component force plate, all necessary cables,
leads & accelerometer wax. +1 248 443 2470 (USA) or contact your 5 +44 (0)1329 239925 (UK) local representative
A CMG Company