Page 3 - Prosig Catalogue 2005
P. 3

Notes & Articles Index

        Data Capture & Measurement                            How to measure noise & vibration in             51
                                                              rotating machines
        Made to measure                                 17    by Chris Mason
        by James Wren                                         A simple frequency response function            52
        What are dB, noise floor & dynamic range        19    by James Wren
        by James Wren                                         Frequency, Hertz & orders                       54
        Strain gauges explained                         21    by Dr Colin Mercer
        by James Wren                                         Fatigue & durability testing: How do I do it? 56
        Accelerometer mounting methods                  25    by James Wren
        by Adrian Lincoln                                     Vibration analysis: Should we measure           59
        What is the difference between single-          28    acceleration, velocity or displacement?
        ended & differential inputs                           by Dr Colin Mercer
        by James Wren                                         How to calculate a resultant vector             61
        What is the difference between microphone  29         by Dr Mike Donegan
        types                                                 Understanding the cross correlation function 62
        by James Wren                                         by Dr Colin Mercer
                                                              The basics of digital filtering                 64
                                                              by James Wren
        Noise & Vibration Analysis
        Standard octave bands                           42
        by Dr Colin Mercer
        Interpretation of the Articulation Index        42     Vibration Condition Monitoring
        by Dr Colin Mercer                                    Measuring shaft displacement                    74
        A, B & C weighting                              43    by Don Davies
        by Dr Colin Mercer                                    Signal conditioning for high common-mode  75
        Audio equalisation filter & parametric          44    & isolation
        filtering                                             by Don Davies
        by Dr Colin Mercer                                    Monitoring auxiliary machinery                  76
        Fourier analysis: The basics & beyond           45    by Don Davies
        by Dr Colin Mercer                                    Understanding the importance of                 77
        What is resonance                               48    transducer orientation
        by James Wren                                         by Don Davies
        Aliasing, orders & wagon wheels                 49
        by Dr Colin Mercer

       About The Authors...

       James Wren                                             Don Davies
        James is an application specialist and Sales Manager at   Don graduated from the Institute of Sound and Vibration
        Prosig.  James graduated from  Portsmouth  University  in   Research  (ISVR)  and  is  now  Product  Manager  and  the
        2001 with a Masters degree in Electronic Engineering. He   lead developer for Prosig’s PROTOR condition monitoring
        is a chartered member of the IET.                     products. He is a member of the British Computer Society.

       Chris Mason                                            Dr Mike Donegan
        Chris graduated from Portsmouth Polytechnic in 1983 and   Mike graduated from the University of Southampton and
        is General Manager & Product Development Manager at   then completed a  PhD in  Seismic  Refraction  Studies.
        Prosig. He leads the development of Prosig’s products &   He now researches &  develops  algorithms and  assists
        writes for the Prosig Blog.                           customers with analysis issues.

       Dr Colin Mercer                                        Adrian Lincoln
        Colin is Chief Signal Processing Analyst at Prosig. He was   Adrian is Signal Processing Technology Manager at Prosig.
        formerly at the Institute of Sound & Vibration Research   He was formerly a Research Fellow at the ISVR. He is a
        (ISVR),  Southampton  University where he founded  the   Chartered Engineer and member of the British Computer
        Data Analysis Centre.                                 Society and Institute of Mechanical Engineers.
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