Page 7 - Prosig Catalogue 2005
P. 7

                             24   USB  CAN   Tacho   IEPE  AC   Portable      SYSTEM PACKAGES
                             bit  2.0  bus  input  TEDS  DC  Rugged       MODAL STARTER & ROTOR RUNOUT

        Modal Starter System                                  Rotor Runout System

         Hammer Impact Testing                                 Accurate, portable data
         • Frequency response functions                        capture
         • Coherence measurement                                                                                       Training & Support
         • Force and response windowing                        Easy setup
         3D Structural Animation                               Automatic analysis &
         • Model editor                                        reports
         • Operating deflection shape
         • Wireframe or solid animation
         • Time or frequency animation
         Modal Analysis                                       Vibration  measurement  of rotating  components  is well
         • Curve-fitting to frequency                         known and largely understood due to  online vibration
          response functions                                  monitoring  systems  such  as  Prosig’s  PROTOR  system.    One
         • Identification of modal                            major component of such systems                          Condition Monitoring
                                                              is  the  ability to  measure shaft
          frequencies and damping factors                     vibration  using   non-contact
         • Identification of mode shapes for                  probes such as eddy-current    Runout is an
          animation                                           shaft proximity probes.  These   important
        The  Prosig Modal Starter                             probes measure the  distance  phenomenon when
        System is a complete                                  between the probe tip and the shaft   analyzing shaft
        hardware  and  software  Everything you need          surface.  One  important  aspect  to   vibration
        bundle that provides a test   to capture and analyze   be aware of when using this type
        engineer  with everything                             of probe is a phenomenon known
        needed to  capture and   modal frequency              as Runout. Runout is the combination of the inherent vibration
        analyze      frequency  response data                 measurement of a rotating object together with any error caused
        response data. The Prosig                             by the measurement system.                               Software
        P8004 unit has four 24-bit analog inputs and a dedicated tacho   The Prosig Rotor Runout system is based on Prosig’s P8000
        input. Capture speeds of up to 100k samples per second per   hardware and the DATS analysis and reporting package.
        channel are available in 24-bit precision.
                                                              Runout data is generally captured for one or more revolutions
        The DATS Hammer Impact Software includes software tools   at a number of different positions along the shaft. The software
        to capture hammer impact data using the  P8004 system.   allows easy setup of the test conditions, such as shaft description,
        Identification of modal parameters from FRF’s is provided within   model, type, manufacturer, test description, position number or
        the  Modal  Analysis  Software.  The  Structural Animation   description and direction of rotation of the shaft.
        package provides all of the facilities to build and animate models
        of the test piece.                                    Subsequent to the testing of a complete rotor an extensive set of
                                                              summary and review reports may be generated.
        System includes...
        - P8004 4-channel data acquisition system  Page 10    Runout is an important phenomenon  when analyzing  shaft   Hardware
                                                              vibration  particularly  when using proximity probes. If  runout
        - DATS.toolbox software                  Page 32      can be measured accurately then it is possible to apply runout
        - DATS Modal Analysis software suite     Page 36      compensation by  performing a vector subtraction to  vibration
        - DATS Hammer Impact software            Page 35      measurements to produce a runout-free measure.
        - DATS Structural Animation software     Page 35
        - 1 x Impact / Impulse Hammer            Page 23      System includes...
        - 2 x Uniaxial accelerometers            Page 22      - P8004 4-channel data acquisition system  Page 10
        - All leads, cables & accelerometer wax               - Rotor Runout Application Software
                                                              - All leads & cables
          Modal Starter System

          03-33-1010  Modal Starter System including                                                                   System Packages
                    4 channel P8004, DATS.toolbox software, DATS
                    Modal Analysis software,  DATS  Hammer  Impact   Rotor Runout System
                    software, DATS Structural  Animation software,
                    1 x  impact/impulse   hammer,  2 x  uniaxial   03-33-938  Rotor Runout System including
                    accelerometers, all necessary cables,    leads &       4 channel P8004, Rotor Runout application
                    accelerometer wax.                                     software.

                                        +1 248 443 2470 (USA)          or contact your                        7
                                         +44 (0)1329 239925 (UK)         local representative
                            A CMG Company
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