Page 3 - Thesis
P. 3
Study 1: Scale development Research Aims
Study 1 had the aim to develop a valid and “Compliance is an issue. Let’s take as an example the case
reliable measure of ethics-related mentoring, of money laundering in the banking sector. If I were to find
and was formed of two main stages. that my protégé works in such gray areas, I would not
immediately run to the lawyer and inform against this
person. Maybe, it would be my duty to do that. I would
1) Interviews: From October to rather try to bring in my perspective and say: ‘Watch what
December 2015, semistructured interviews you are doing!’. If someone would work wittingly in this grey
area in order to take an advantage, then I would have a
have been conducted (12 mentors, 9 protégés, problem with that. Then, I could also imagine that I say:
4 mentoring experts). Interviewees, located in ‘Watch out! At this point, it is no longer my task to show
Germany, were asked to think about a specific you the way but to draw the consequences’. If someone has
mentor from their experience whom they gotten into this position through thoughtless action, I
could use as a reference point when answer- would try to find a way – if I realise that he feels uncom-
ing the questions, e.g.: (Male mentor)
“Sometimes, I have to make decisions in which I need to
• What made him or her an ethical mentor? include ethical calculus [...]. My mentor, she is interim
• What traits, visible actions and behaviours manager, is often faced with, I'd say, companies that strug-
are important to demonstrate ethics-related gle in a financial emergency. And I said to myself, ok, I also
have to do with that every day because I often make
mentoring? decisions regarding critical risks. And that is, of course,
• Think of a time recently in your role as a always a question. From a banking perspective, you say to
mentor when you demonstrated ethics-relat- yourself: ‘I have invested in this company, and I have to pull
ed mentoring? the plug’ ... because you come eventually to the point
• What questions, issues, or problems did you where you say: ‘When you further invest more money, it
does not result that the company does not go broke’. And to
bring to your mentor for advice that had find the right bounce is sometimes an ethical and moral
salient ethical implications? issue. Because you also know ... there are jobs behind ...
It should be noted that the focus was on iden- there’s an entrepreneurial idea behind ... there is a dynasty
tifying ethical mentoring as a process/activity behind. And that, of course, are things where my mentor
– as opposed to what an ethical mentor (as a and I have found common topics”.
(Male protégé)
person) looks like. Selected statements from
the interviews can be found in the right “If attitude is a working method to practice ethics, then one
column. can say that mentors do that. In other words: They point
out what worked out well, and what did not work out well.
These interviews were used to generate an They talk about defeats, about slips, about right or wrong,
about evaluation criteria, about danger, about risk, about
initial item pool of 99 items. 6 subject matter resources. Today, ethics has changed. We are more
experts were exposed to these items and were resource-oriented. These are things that many mentors
asked to judge the degree to which these affect because they are leaders [...]. Every day, they have to
items were representative of the conceptual put their neck on the line for something, in fact actively:
definition of ethics-related mentoring (see ‘Yes, I am the boss and yes, we go in this direction, from my
point of view. That’s why I get punches, I know, but I have
page 3, right column). The pool was further an attitude, and I stick to it.’ Hence, they act as a role model
refined to 40 items. – both for the protégé and for their employees”.
(Mentoring expert)