Page 5 - Thesis
P. 5

Study 2: Model Testing                                         Research Aims

           The  purpose  of  study  2  was  two-fold.  One        2) Model testing 2 : The PROCESS macro
           objective was to replicate the scale develop-          (Model 1, provided by Hayes, 2012) for SPSS
           ment  study.  The  second  objective  was  to          Statistics  23  (IBM  Corp.,  2015) was  used  to
           examine the importance of ethics-related               test the hypothesised relationships (see model
           mentoring for protégé ethical behaviour by             below).
           testing the hypothesised model.

           To reach our goals, we contracted with Qual-
           trics  Panels  who  then  supplied  a  national
           panel of US participants. In the survey, it was
           clearly noted that respondents must have a
           mentor – either formal or informal – and
           currently  work  in  a  leadership  position  or
           management role.
                                                                  We  began  by  testing  the  main  effects  of
           A  time-lagged  study  design  was  employed           ethics-related mentoring and protégé ethical
           (from October to December 2016). At time 1,            behaviour. As predicted,  mentor ethical  role
           210 protégés enrolled in the study and com-            modelling was found to significantly and posi-
           pleted a survey including all independent vari-        tively  influence  protégé  ethical  leadership,
           ables (i.e., ethics-related mentoring). At time 2      and  negatively  influence  protégé  turnover
           (approx. 2 weeks later), 152 protégés (72.4%           intentions. Against expectations, mentor ethi-
           retention  rate)  completed  a  survey  including      cal role modelling was not significantly related
           the dependent variables (i.e., protégé ethical         to altruism. Further, mentor ethical guidance
           behaviour).                                            was not significantly related to the three ethi-
                                                                  cal outcomes.

           1)  Scale  replication  study: The  results
           confirmed a twofactor model of ethics-related           Next,  we  tested  our  moderation  model.  It
           mentoring1, consisting of ethical role model-          appears that a positive relationship between
           ling  (8  items)  and  ethical  guidance  (7  items).   mentor ethics-related mentoring (ethical role
           Evidence supports that they are reliable, inde-        modelling  and  ethical  guidance)  and  protégé
           pendent and valid measures of ethics-related           ethical behaviour (protégé ethical leadership
           mentoring,  and  provides  us  with  the  confi-        and altruism) was only significant at high levels
           dence that the measure is suitable for use in          of  mentor  prototypicality.  In  other  words,
           the current study and future research.  The            mentors – through their ethical guidance and
           final scale is presented in the Appendix.               role modelling – may only be able to

              While this is different to the three-factor structure reported in     The analysis included the responses of only those participants
           study 1, we are confident in the validity and reliability of this more   who had completed both waves of the study (N = 152).
           parsimonious measure. Study 2 was based on a larger sample and
           a sample that meets Hinkin’s (1998) minimum guidelines.
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