Page 8 - Thesis
P. 8

The majority of mentors also noted that they           Thank you
           are interested  in experience exchanges with
           other  mentors  (i.e.,  asking  questions  about,      Thank you very much for your contribution to
           “How  is  it  going  with  your  protégé?  What  are   the many aspects of this research.  Without
           your  topics?”) and collegial advice among             you, this study would not have been possible.
           themselves (i.e., asking questions about, “How
           are you doing this and that?”). Hence, a prag-         If  you  would  like  any  further  information
           matic  workshop  approach,  which  first  high-         about this report, or the PhD thesis, please
           lights the importance of providing ethics-re-          contact  me  for  further  information:  bus-
           lated mentoring and its potential to develop 
           future ethical managers, and then focuses on
           face-to-face discussions and experience                Best wishes
           exchanges with other mentors, may be more
           effective than providing theoretical tools. We          Dr Corinna Busch
           suggest that programme managers enter into
           a dialogue  with mentors before developing
           ethics  training  for  this  specific  group.  This     Notes
           effort may be worthwhile.

           Finally, the results reveal that  ethics-related
           mentoring  can  reduce  protégés’  intent  to
           leave the organisation. The results are in line
           with the theory of personorganisation fit; indi-
           viduals who fit with the organisation’s values
           will  stay,  whereas  those  who  do  not  fit  will
           leave the organisation. Accordingly, it appears
           that by receiving ethics-related mentoring,
           protégés recognise whether (or not) their ethi-
           cal values are congruent with those of their
           mentors and whether (or not) they can devel-
           op or maintain – if they have already devel-
           oped – ethical conduct. Thus, the perceived
           match  (mismatch)  of  ethical  values  reduces
           (increases) their intention to leave the organi-
           sation. Consequently, our findings can also be
           used to improve employee retention.
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