Page 7 - Thesis
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Implications for practitioners

           This  study  offers valuable  insights  to  practi-     The  information  from  Study  1  and  Study  2
           tioners. First, practitioners are provided with        feed into mentor selection and matching. In
           a measure of ethicsrelated mentoring validat-          brief, concerning the selection process, practi-
           ed in organisational settings. Through the use         tioners have to consider that being an ethical
           of this scale, they can ensure that the focus of       mentor is not enough. In order to be effective
           mentors is being placed not only on the career         in  developing  protégés’  altruistic  and  ethical
           and psychosocial development but also on the           leadership behaviour, ethical mentors also
           ethical and moral development of their                 need  to  be  seen  to  be  representative  –  or
           protégés. To inform mentors about their addi-          prototypical – of the organisation. This finding
           tional role, practitioners can use the items of        also has implications for the matching process,
           the new scale (see Appendix).                          meaning the protégés should be allowed to
           Also, practitioners can use this scale for evalu-      choose among mentors, or  at  least,  to  have
           ation purposes. As a one-off measure, it can            input into the matching process.  The draw-
           assist organisations in identifying ethical men-       back of not involving the protégé in this pro-
           tors, for instance, during selection (or recruit-      cess is that the assigned mentor may or may
           ment) decisions. Similarly, the instrument can         not represent the organisation’s identity in the
           assist  in  examining  protégés’  perceptions  of      eyes of the protégé, thus negating the poten-
           ethics- related mentoring they receive, and in         tial benefits of the programme.
           assessing the influence of ethics-related men-
           toring on important protégé outcomes. As a             The current findings also draw some import-
           repeated measure, it can help track the prog-          ant implications for mentor training. Mentors
           ress of mentors developing their ethical role          should be trained to understand the impor-
           modelling and ethical guidance behaviour, for          tance of their role of providing ethicsrelated
           example,  measuring  protégé  perceptions  of          mentoring  (e.g.,  developing  protégé  moral
           ethics-related  mentoring  before  and  after          character and ethical behaviour; institutional-
           participation in a mentor training programme.          ising  business  ethics)  and  how  they  can
                                                                  become ethical role models for their protégés.
           Second,  practitioners  are  provided  with            It  is  important  to  note  that,  based  on  the
           evidence  that  organisations  can  promote            results of the interviews conducted in Study 1,
           ethical conduct in the workplace. Our findings          ethics training programmes for mentors
           suggest that ethics-related mentoring, wheth-          should be aligned  with mentors’ needs and
           er  formal  or  informal,  may  be  effective  in       expectations. The interviews revealed that it is
           developing  ethical  leaders.  Investment  in          important to raise the awareness of being an
           mentoring programmes, particularly for those           ethical  mentor  and  its  influence  on  protégé
           private  and  public  organisations  keen  on          development.  As one of the mentoring
           developing ethical leaders, may provide an             experts noted,  “all  mentors  have  a  practiced
           ethical return on this investment.                     ethic that they use consciously and unconscious-
                                                                  ly, and that is an integral part of this work”.
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