Page 32 - The Summit of the Americas 2021
P. 32


          Essence Corp celebrates the Year of the Ox with Penha Duty Free
          & Shiseido Skincare in Curaçao

              In one of the most memorable and   Celebrations at Penha Punda, Curaçao,   meets every Thursday night and celebrates
          colorful events of the past months, Penha   with a promotion for a “more beautiful and   the history and heritage of Willemstad with
          Duty Free teamed up with Essence Corp,   confident self” with the iconic Shiseido   the help of Curaçao’s culture cultivators
          the Shiseido distributor for the Caribbean,   Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate, said   and locals.
          to celebrate the Chinese New Year of the   the distributor.             The event gives new light to the
          Ox with blessings from Shiseido Skincare   The New Year commencement   streets and alleys, promoting a homegrown
          on Feb. 11-14.                    ceremony brought by Shiseido launched   love and appreciation of the locale’s
              Penha, the largest duty free retailer   with a night of pampering locals at the   diversity.
          in the Caribbean with store locations in   Downtown Penha store during the Punda   During this evening, guests had
          Aruba, Cayman, Curaçao, Bonaire and St.   Vibe Street event.         the opportunity to participate in a
          Maarten, kicked off the Chinese New Year   Punda Vibes is a street gathering that   complimentary beauty consultation with

             Top: Chinese dancers perform the Dragon Dance during the Punda Vibe Night event in front of the Penha Punda store.
             Bottom: Chinese Calligrapher personalizes a customer’s shopping bag at the Shiseido Counter in the Saliña store.

          The Virtual Summit of the Americas Issue April 2021                 32
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