Page 28 - The Summit of the Americas 2021
P. 28


                 The Neutral by Luryx flagship store in Rivera, Uruguay
          One on One with Marcelo Montico, CEO, Neutral by Luryx

          Neutral under new ownership looks ahead with confidence

              One of the most important news    Montico joined Neutral as CEO   The Neutral by Luryx stores were merging
          stories in Latin America in 2019 was   in January 2020, as the company was   nicely with the two original Luryx stores,
          when Panamanian company Top Brands   completing the final stages of the   the new structure was falling into place and
          International acquired Neutral Duty Free,   restructuring process after its acquisition by   the outlook was positive,” he said.
          the largest duty free chain in Uruguay, that   Top Brands. Montico’s brief was to review   The first case of COVID-19 in
          July.                             the whole Neutral operation, located in   Latin America was discovered in Brazil
              The acquisition made Top Brands   the six Uruguayan cities where duty free   at the end of February and the Uruguay
          one of the largest duty free players in the   sales are permitted, and merge it with Top   government closed most of the country’s
          region, with 80 stores throughout Latin   Brands’ existing Luryx stores.  borders in mid-March. Montico notes
          America and the Caribbean.            The year started well, with good sales   that the land borders were partially open
              “This is a very strategic move for   at Neutral in January and February. The   but that vehicle traffic and tourism fell
          us,” Top Brands International President   economic situation in Brazil was improving   drastically.
          Danny Yohoros told TMI at the time of the   and in spite of new duty free stores on   “Our stores closed at the time but
          acquisition. “We see tremendous potential   the Brazilian side of the border, industry   reopened in June and people from our
          ahead for the Neutral stores on the border.   players were feeling more optimistic than   sister towns on the Brazilian side of the
          The economy in Brazil is getting better and   in previous years.     border were able to shop with us. But as
          with the synergies that will accrue with our   Montico recalls the buoyant   the situation in Brazil got worse, traffic
          existing companies, we will bring greater   expectations: “Sales in all categories   numbers fell further. We kept 7 of our 9
          strength and value to the business.”  were doing well and we exceeded our   stores open, although we adjusted opening
              Top Brands had already been   objectives in the first two months of 2020.   times and staff levels according to traffic
          operating duty free shops on the border                              flows,” he explains.
          between Uruguay and Brazil, and had the                                 The drastic fall in traffic at the border
          experience needed to make the business                               prompted the Neutral management to
          go forward. The border business had been                             undertake a major review of the business in
          challenged in recent years by the weakness                           order to reduce costs as much as possible.
          of the Brazilian economy and its currency,                           The duty free business throughout the
          but Yohoros brought in experienced and                               region was suffering immensely as a result
          respected executive Marcelo Montico                                  of the pandemic.
          as CEO to run the merged Neutral by                                     “We estimate that the total travel
          Luryx stores. Then came the COVID-19                                 retail business in Uruguay fell by about
          pandemic and subsequent border closings.                             70% last year,” comments Montico.

          The Virtual Summit of the Americas Issue April 2021                 28
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