Page 24 - The Summit of the Americas 2021
P. 24


          Pressure mounts on CDC to lift U.S. cruise halt

              Cruise Lines International Association   this multi-layered approach to enhancing   others have opened or continued to operate
          (CLIA), which represents 95% of global   health and safety that has proven effective,   throughout the pandemic.
          ocean-going cruise capacity, has called   making cruising one of the best and most   “The outdated CSO, which was
          on the Centers for Disease Control and   adaptable choices for travel,” she added.   issued almost five months ago, does not
          Prevention (CDC) to lift the Framework for   Craighead also noted “the accelerated   reflect the industry’s proven advancements
          Conditional Sailing Order (CSO) and allow   rollout of vaccines is a game-changer in   and success operating in other parts of
          for the planning of a phased resumption of   providing for the health and well-being of   the world, nor the advent of vaccines,
          cruise operations from U.S. ports by the   the public, especially in the United States,   and unfairly treats cruises differently.
          beginning of July. The CLIA call to action   where President Biden expects all adults   Cruise lines should be treated the same
          was issued on March 24.           will be eligible for vaccinations by May 1,   as other travel, tourism, hospitality,
              The early-July timeframe is in   2021.”                          and entertainment sectors,” Craighead
          line with President Biden’s forecast for   Adding pressure to the CLIA plea,   emphasized.
          when the United States will be “closer to   several major cruise lines have announced   While some cruise lines have
          normal,” says CLIA, and can take place   plans to restart cruises from near-by ports   announced a few sailings catering to those
          in the light of the accelerated rollout of   that will avoid sailing in U.S. waters.   who have received vaccinations, CLIA
          vaccines in the U.S.              Royal Caribbean will be sailing its Vision   does not currently have a policy related to
              “Over the past eight months, a highly-  of the Seas from a home port in Bermuda   vaccines. The organization and its members
          controlled resumption of cruising has   beginning in June, and its Adventure of the   are exploring a workable approach for
          continued in Europe, Asia, and the South   Seas from a home port in Nassau in The   how to consider vaccinations, once widely
          Pacific—with nearly 400,000 passengers   Bahamas. RCL-owned Crystal Serenity   available, as part of robust protocols.
          sailing to date in more than 10 major cruise   will also offer a series of Bahamas-only   According to CLIA, restarting cruises
          markets. These voyages were successfully   cruises this summer from a base in Nassau.   as part of the broader travel industry
          completed with industry-leading protocols   The Celebrity Millennium will begin   will provide a much-needed boost to the
          that have effectively mitigated the   cruising from a home port in St. Maarten.   U.S. economy—with the cruise industry
          spread of COVID-19. Additional sailings   Following the industry’s voluntary   supporting nearly 450,000 American
          are planned in the Mediterranean and   suspension of operations one year ago,   jobs and contributing over $55.5 billion
          Caribbean later this spring and summer,”   cruise lines have been prevented from   annually, prior to the pandemic.
          said Kelly Craighead, CLIA’s President and   operating in the U.S. by a series of “No   Based on economic modeling by
          CEO.                              Sail Orders” issued by the CDC. The CSO   research firm BREA, more than 300,000
              CLIA notes that the very small   Framework was issued last October, but   jobs have been lost in the United States due
          fraction of reported COVID cases (fewer   since then the CDC has not released any   to the suspension of cruises. The majority
          than 50 based on public reports) is   further guidance, as called for in the CSO,   of those impacted are independent business
          dramatically lower than the rate on land or   to support the resumption of U.S. cruise   owners or individuals employed by small-
          in any other transportation mode.   operations.                      to medium-sized businesses—including
              “The cruise industry has adopted a   The lack of any action by the CDC   travel agents, taxi drivers, port employees,
          high bar for resumption around the world   has effectively banned all sailings in the   baggage handlers, and longshoremen,
          with a multi-layered set of policies that   largest cruise market in the world. Cruising   as well as airline, hotel, and restaurant
          is intended to be revised as conditions   is the only sector of the U.S. economy   workers.
          change. Our Members continue to follow   that remains prohibited, even as most

          Cuban tourism hard hit by pandemic:
          plummets 95% in early 2021 compared to same period of 2020

              Tourist arrivals to Cuba decreased   of February 2020, said Perelló.  Before detecting the first cases of
          by 95.5% during January and February   Cuba’s Ministry of Tourism reported   COVID-19 in the country, the tourism
          compared to the same period last year,   in early 2021 that just over one million   industry accounted for more than 10% of
          reports Travel Trade Caribbean, quoting    international travelers arrived in Cuba last   the Cuban gross domestic product.
          Professor José Luis Perelló Cabrera of   year, well below the 4.5 million expected   The revival of tourism in Cuba will
          the Tourism Faculty at the University of   before the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak.  depend on the control of the pandemic at
          Havana.                               Cuba surpassed the one million tourist   the domestic level and the success of the
              During the first two months of 2021,   figure in 1996. It reached a record 4.7   vaccination programs in Canada, Spain,
          some 35,600 international travelers arrived   million visitors at the close of 2017, even   Germany, England, and France, the main
          on the island, representing only 4.5% of the   with the strengthened U.S. blockade during   markets that send tourists to the country,
          792,507 foreign visitor arrivals at the end   the Trump Administration’s first year.  Perelló commented.

          The Virtual Summit of the Americas Issue April 2021                 24
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