Page 22 - The Summit of the Americas 2021
P. 22


          Global Ports Holding provides critical partnership in

          developing Nassau as a home port

              The cruise industry made positive   Global Ports Holding Plc, the Bahamas   achieved without a strong commitment
          waves in mid-March when luxury cruise   Investment Fund (“BIF”) and the Yes   to the trilateral partnership between key
          brand Crystal Cruises announced it was   Foundation.                 contributors to this process – Nassau Cruise
          launching a series of seven-night round-trip   The 25-year port operation and lease   Port Ltd., the Government of The Bahamas,
          “Bahamas Escapes” voyages from Nassau.   agreement that GPH signed with the   and our cruise line partners,” he continued.
          The line’s Crystal Serenity ship would   Government of the Bahamas covers NCP’s   Maura explains how each entity works
          homeport in Nassau, and visit Bimini and   Prince George Wharf and related areas at   together to ensure that everyone has what
          four other Bahama Islands, avoiding any   Nassau cruise port.        they need to make this work.
          U.S. ports.                           Under the terms of the agreement,   “NCP collaborates with the
              The response from the pubic was   NCP is to invest up to $250 million in   government to contribute to policy and
          immense and immediate. Within the first 24   expanding the capacity of the port, and   regulation development to ensure that
          hours of opening reservations “nearly 4,000   transform the cruise port experience   the best interests of our communities are
          enthusiastic travelers reserved staterooms   for both the passengers and the local   maintained; the government collaborates
          or suites on at least one of the seven-night   population, the company said at the   with the cruise lines on health protocols,
          voyages that cruise from Nassau or Bimini   signing.                 contractual matters, and other details to
          roundtrip booking more than 25 percent   The project will also see the building   ensure a mutually beneficial partnership
          of the 16 voyages combined availability,”   of a new terminal building; the creation   exists on an ongoing basis; and NCP works
          reported Crystal.                 of an event and entertainment area;   with the cruise lines to ensure that their
              Four days later, Royal Caribbean   investment into improving the current retail   operational, passenger experience, and
          announced the relaunch of its Caribbean   facilities; and the design and construction   other needs are met at the port. It takes a
          cruise service would commence in June,   of new food and beverage facilities, GPH   lot of teamwork, coordination, listening,
          also from a home port in Nassau. RCL’s   announced.                  and flexibility to achieve such effective
          summer lineup features the Adventure   Global Ports Holding Plc is eager   collaboration. We appreciate the constant
          of the Seas with visits to Nassau, Grand   to take its role as a critical partner in the   support of all our partners in making this
          Bahama, Perfect Day at CocoCay (a Royal   restart of cruise tourism in the region.    kind of progress possible.”
          Caribbean private island destination), and   “We are extremely excited to
          Cozumel, Mexico.                  participate in the relaunch of cruising in the   Challenges and rewards
              The reason the cruise lines could   region,” exclaimed Mike Maura, Jr., Global   Maura made it clear that the partners
          take such a bold step to restart cruising on   Ports Holding Regional Director, Americas,   understand the challenge of turning
          the doorstep of the world’s largest cruise   and CEO of Nassau Cruise Port Ltd.   Prince George Wharf into a home port,
          market is that the Nassau Cruise Port is   “While home port service may not   but also the rewards: “At its peak, vessels
          managed by the world’s largest cruise port   have been a part of the short-term strategy   that homeport here will potentially bring
          operator, Global Ports Holding Plc (GPH),   for Nassau one year ago, we are more than   thousands of new passengers to Nassau
          in a contract that it won in August 2019.   willing to speed up our plans and adapt to   annually, which is not only significant
              NCP began operations in October   ensure the survival of the industry.    for us but for other local industry players
          2019 as part of a consortium comprising   “This opportunity could not have been   as well. This opening will generate an
          The Virtual Summit of the Americas Issue April 2021                 22
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