Page 21 - The Summit of the Americas 2021
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              each of their promotions, one who is able
              to offer a highly-engaging, personalized
              and more sophisticated airport retail
                 “The brands need support like
              this,” insists Van Roon. “They need that
              dedicated sales person on the shop floor.
              They also need that management, because
              they don’t have a travel budget, they
              don’t have software access, and they have
              reduced staff drastically.
                 “We have so much staff contraction
              on every level that we really have to
              place this management responsibility
              on the shop floor. This is what we are
              introducing. We are saying: These are our    La Prairie Wine Caviar promotion, supported by SPARK.
              capabilities. This is what we can offer
              in the program. How does his work for   “The Brand Ambassador program   Van Roon explains that SPARK’s
              your needs? And it will really require   the way it was is no longer working; it is   core expertise is recruiting and staffing
              collaboration,” she explains.     broken,” she contends. “It was expensive   for sales and that the company has a
                 Van Roon continues: “Collaboration   and did not deliver consistent results   strong reputation for recruiting talent. The
              is right at the heart of what we are trying   for brands. It was time consuming,   new Brand Partner Program will make it
              to achieve. The success of the program   had high attrition and a general lack of   an even more powerful proposition for
              depends on a team of 5-10 Brand Partners   understanding of ROI. Now we have a   candidates and for brands.
              per airport location and full retailer   much better program.           “I think that we have taken the
              support. We have used our experience of   “We are preparing for a new   strength of our industry, and are holding it
              delivering some of the most profitable   generation in retail. This COVID pause   up to the present reality, and asking how
              brand ambassador programs and brand   forced a lot of rethinking and re-profiling   do we now align a powerful sales and
              activations seen in Americas travel retail   and re-engineering of everything we do.   promotional model?
              in pre-COVID years to create this new,   We have to become incredibly efficient   SPARK has been operating for ten
              all-encompassing airport retail sales   and effective. The Brands Partner program   years in Canada working primarily in
              employment service.”              really checks off some 10 major gaps that   Vancouver International Airport, and
                 The program is taking the strength   I have identified; plus it is very adaptable   incorporated in the U.S. for a big pilot
              of the brand ambassador program that   to brand and retailer input. It will have   program in Seattle-Tacoma in 2019. Van
              we know and ramping it up by about 10   to be collaborative or it is not going to   Roon is one of the featured speakers at
              notches, she says.                work.”                            the Summit of the Americas Conference,
                                                                                  and will participate on a panel on blending
                                                                                  humanization and digitalization in the
                                                                                  Knowledge Hub on Tuesday, April 6 at 12
                                                                                  noon EDT.
                                                                                      She will also be holding a session at
                                                                                  the Engagement Lounge on April 6 at 2
                                                                                  pm. where she will talk about Optimizing
                                                                                  Sales & Promotion. This session is free
                                                                                  to attend using this link: https://www.

                                                                            Inside a SPARK training session.

                                                                              21                 April 2021 The Virtual Summit of the Americas Issue
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