Page 23 - The Summit of the Americas 2021
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extensive amount of economic activity industries. As our discussions with the
for hotels, tour operators, taxis, and other cruise lines advance, we continue to pursue
tourism stakeholders as this area of our opportunities to expand our reach in the
business grows.” Americas to bring more business and
In Nassau, home port operations will opportunities to other communities in the
begin amid ongoing construction as general region.”
contractor, ENKA, completes the marine Nassau is one of the most popular
works and launches plans to start the cruise destinations in the world, attracting
upland development. 3.7 million passengers per year.
“NCP has been accredited with a Safe According to the NCP website,
Travels certification which was awarded opportunity for Nassau and Antigua, as Nassau’s cruise gateway the project
by the World Tourism and Travel Council making partnerships with our ports even involves the redevelopment of the port
(WTTC) in August 2020. Additionally, more critical in influencing the regional and local town of Nassau. NCP will work
as part of Global Ports Holding network success of the industry. Fortunately, GPH to enhance the passenger experience and
of ports, NCP is applying the GPH health has an extensive experience in home port provide additional business opportunities
and safety protocols for operations. We operations in many of its Mediterranean for the local population. In addition
are amending our operational plans in ports. We are sharing the knowledge that to building of a new terminal building
response to this very exciting opportunity these ports have with our Caribbean teams and entertainment area, the project will
so that passengers remain unaffected by to assist with developing port-specific integrate the port into Bay Street and
the evolution of our project. Every aspect home port protocols.” downtown Nassau, with the expectation
of their experience is being planned and Murphy noted that GPH has also that it will act as a catalyst for the wider
reviewed to ensure the success of this received interest from several other cruise development of the downtown area. The
venture,” explained Maura. lines about providing home port services in construction phase was originally expected
Colin Murphy, GPH Head of Business Nassau and Antigua recently. to start in Q4 2019 to be completed within
Development, Americas, also discussed the “Being able to offer this benefit to 24 months.
potential future of home port operations in them will bring an extensive boost to GPH operates 19 ports in 13 countries
both Nassau and Antigua, which GPH has the profiles of each of these countries as and continues to grow steadily. Its
also operated since 2019. major tourism players, which has always management contracts with Antigua Cruise
“The ability to give cruise lines the been one of our overarching goals as a Port and Nassau Cruise Port in 2019 mark
option to homeport presents a massive partner and supporter of their local tourism the Group’s expansion into the Americas.
Bermuda opens its first cruise home port as part of its strategic tourism
Yet another island near the U.S. is This is another step in our
grabbing its place in the cruising roster safe and measured return to
with Bermuda announcing that it would sailing beginning in June,”
host Royal Caribbean International’s Vision said Michael Bayley,
of the Seas from June through August at its president and CEO, Royal
first ever home port. Caribbean International.
Sailing with vaccinated crew, the “Bermuda has safely
cruises – at this time – will be available and responsibly managed
to adult guests who are fully vaccinated the reopening of its tourism
against COVID-19 and those under the economy by air, and we
age of 18 with negative test results. This will meet the challenge
current health and safety measure, like of doing the same for the
others, may evolve as they are evaluated on cruise industry. We look
an ongoing basis. forward to homeporting
Vacationers will start and end their Royal Caribbean’s Vision Royal Caribbean says that the sailings
7-night cruise in Bermuda, where the of the Seas this June as part of the island’s from Bermuda continue the cruise line’s
Vision of the Seas will be docked at the strategic tourism recovery planning which, measured and safe return to cruising,
Royal Naval Dockyard. The cruise will as always, is guided by science,” said following months of successful cruises in
also include a full day at Perfect Day at Premier the Hon. E. David Burt, JP, MP, Singapore with more than 50,000 guests to
CocoCay, Royal Caribbean’s private island Bermuda. date who have now sailed aboard Quantum
destination in The Bahamas. In addition to the comprehensive, of the Seas, and the recent announcements
“We are thankful to the government multilayered health and safety measures of plans for the highly anticipated Odyssey
and people of Bermuda for welcoming us taken by Royal Caribbean, travelers will of the Seas to cruise from Haifa, Israel and
to their beautiful island nation with open need to meet the travel requirements of cruises from The Bahamas with Adventure
arms as Vision of the Seas’ new home port. Bermuda. of the Seas.
23 April 2021 The Virtual Summit of the Americas Issue