Page 20 - The Summit of the Americas 2021
P. 20


          One on One with Heidi Van Roon

          SPARK creates new Brand Partner Program designed to help lead
          North American airport retail sales revival

              SPARK Group of Companies has                                         It is SPARK who is committing to
          introduced an innovative new concept                                 the year-long hire, and investing about six
          in staffing for travel retail. Called the                            weeks to two months of training in each
          Brand Partner Program, the multi-faceted                             hire at the beginning.
          sales and promotions program has been                                    “We have six very relevant courses—
          designed to substantially support global                             including setting sales goals, sales literacy
          brands and travel retailers to achieve the                           to understand the sales narrative, sales
          best possible sales outcomes and replace                             reporting, and emotional intelligence,
          a broken model as the industry emerges                               etc. Each one of these topics includes
          from the COVID-19 pandemic.        Heidi Van Roon,                   a 12-month case study for our client
              There are many issues currently   SPARK Group of Companies President  partner. Our trainees have to understand
          facing travel retail brands and retailers                            a year-long sales cycle. This will create
          in the face of COVID-19, and the Brand                               brand experts with very valuable sales
          Partner Program has been designed to   Partners, and then employing them for a   skills who can take their technical
          tackle them head on, SPARK Group of   full year.                     knowledge – goal setting for example –
          Companies President, Heidi Van Roon   “This program creates good     and apply it and test it for twelve months.
          tells TMI.                         employment,” explains Van Roon. “We   These skills are so important on the shop
              Reduced shop floor accessibility and   are hiring our ‘partners’ for a year,   floor and by providing twelve months
          travel budgets, obsolete activation models   because these have been our best hires,   of case reporting, we hold the partner
          and insufficient ROI are impacting brands   and the long-term employment allows for   accountable,” she says.
          management, says Van Roon. For retailers,   the best possible promotion for brands.”  The program has been devised to
          the program addresses reduced labor   Since most brands have a budget for   enhance the role of the traditional airport
          budgets, the high turnover costs of brand   at least four months of promotions a year-   retail sales assistant or brand ambassador,
          ambassador programs, and the need to   either part time or full time -- the SPARK   turning the role into that of a dedicated
          adapt activations to the post-COVID era.   program offers an option for the brand to   airport store brand manager. Van Roon
              SPARK addresses these issues by   subscribe for four months, six months or a   argues that it will create value for brands
          recruiting, and intensively training Brand   full year (35%, 50% or 100%).   by giving them the same promoter for

          Left: Heidi Van Roon (center) with members of her SPARK team at Vancouver International Airport.
          Right: SPARK promotion for Godiva Chocolates and Wayne Gretzky Ice Wine.

          The Virtual Summit of the Americas Issue April 2021                 20
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