Page 14 - Change suggested
P. 14
Instructors Note: A Thank You note will appear on screen; the customer will also receive an
email. If the customer does not have an email address, you may use “”.
Navigation Systems and OnStar
A customer may also contact ICS for assistance with OnStar navigation
Do not automatically transfer these callers to OnStar, as you must first determine if this
is an actual OnStar issue or if the question pertains to the vehicle’s navigation system
OnStar offers two different navigation services:
o Destination Download: This service downloads a destination from OnStar to the
vehicle’s navigation system
o Turn by Turn: This service provides directions through the OnStar system
If the customer is not sure which method he/she is using, ask him/her to push the hard
key NAV on the navigation system; if a highlighted map route is displayed, the
instructions are coming from the navigation system
If the customer is using Destination Download, the directions are no longer in the
OnStar hardware and reside solely in the navigation system; these calls are handled by
ICS. If the customer wishes to cancel the route, instruct him/her to use the system’s
soft keys as instructed in the navigation manual (you can locate these instructions to
assist the customer).
If the customer is using Turn-by-Turn, you may assist the customer to cancel a route
by telling them to press the Hands-Free Calling/Voice Command button (white button).
They will hear the system say “OnStar ready”. The customer should respond by saying
“Cancel route,” to cancel the current route.
If the customer has additional questions / concerns about OnStar Turn-By-Turn, for
example the specific directions they received, transfer the customer to OnStar.
Checking for Understanding Activity
SAY: Instruct agents to access the Denso 6.5 Touch Screen Black Tie Navigation System
Simulation I and II on Knowlagent. The purpose of the simulation is to familiarize agents with
the look and feel of a navigation system, as actual systems are not accessible in the
classroom. The Denso Black Tie Navigation system is a common system and is very similar
to the DELPHI Black Tie Navigation system.
Take a moment to ensure that participants understand the screen layout, with background
information at the top, specific action instructions on the right, special tips on the bottom right,
and the demonstration area in the center.
Basic Navigation Education
Customers calling in to receive instruction on how to use the navigation system should
be educated using the Navigation manual