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P. 23
Navigation Calls
SAY: This training material will prepare you to respond to customer calls concerning the
navigation system.
Checking for Understanding Activity:
This training has incorporated various activity based exercises using possible customer
concerns to help you familiarize yourselves with the features and procedures of the various
navigation systems as well as the documents containing information you can use to respond
to a customer’s concern.
Wrap Up: Final Activity
Upon completion of this course and the in-vehicle training you will be given scenarios
covering a variety of potential calls you will receive as an ICS agent. The questions will cover
general types of calls, information sources and call handling. Your response will be scored
independent of the online assessment. The purpose of the final assessment is to assess your
working knowledge of the information we covered in this course. This will also give you an
opportunity to ask any questions or confirm any resources/links to ensure you are successful
as an ICS agent. Each team will be given a set of questions. Each person on the time should
work through the questions and be prepared to demonstration to the team. You will be given
2 minutes to present (reference rubric for presentation metrics), pg. # in this document.
Trainer READ: This is the 1 step you should take following your “Call Opening”
All interactions, inbound or outbound, will require an SR completing all required fields
and activities (e.g. VIN, mileage, involved dealer, UCC, customer name and contact
information, etc.)
This also requires an attempt to capture all customer contact information including
name, address, phone number, and email address
This should be attempted early in the interaction
Transfers from CAC or other Business Units (BU)
Occasionally customers are transferred to ICS from other BUs and an SR already exists for
the customer’s concern
In that case it is not necessary for an ICS Specialist to create another new SR for the
Simply access the existing SR, note appropriate case comments and identify that the
case was transferred to you
This will save both the customer and you time and deliver a better customer